Example sentences of "and [pron] is hope [conj] " in BNC.

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31 The side facing the river is completely overgrown and littered with rubbish , a sad sight for a place so steeped in history and it is hoped that at some future date a little dignity will return to these remains .
32 The village retains little of its past and it is hoped that what does remain will be preserved .
33 The directory will be widely distributed to advice centres and tenants groups and it is hoped that other agencies such as local police stations will be interested in obtaining copies .
34 On block 34/11 , over which 3D seismic has already been shot , the award specifies the drilling of several exploration wells and it is hoped that the first of these will be started in early 1994 .
35 Across all divisions , Heartwatch participants are getting younger and younger and it is hoped that everyone who is waiting to be involved in the programme will be given an appointment before summer 1993 .
36 BBC Radio Stoke have pledged their support , and it is hoped that television cameras will come along to broadcast the Wedgwood Group 's efforts live to the nation .
37 The new course has been developed to meet the Engineering Council 's requirements for incorporated engineer status and it is hoped that all of the colleges involved will be accredited by the Engineering Council .
38 Since these observations were received , SCOTVEC and CNAA have agreed that joint Validation Events may be held ( see Update No. 2 ) and it is hoped that this will avoid problems of this kind arising .
39 Examples of these have been sent to employers , and it is hoped that they have had wide distribution .
40 A spokesman for the Banking Industry has denied that there are about to be any job losses and it is hoped that that statement is correct .
41 The IBOA is very conscious of the fact that this issue has been outstanding for a considerable length of time and it is hoped that the proposals will pave the way for a speedy resolution to the problem .
42 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
43 Many application forms for membership were handed out and it is hoped that our numbers will grow as a result .
44 The tasks used are spatial memory tasks which are normally used with neuropsychological patients , and it is hoped that the project will lead to a clearer understanding of the nature of spatial impairments following brain injury by clarifying the processing of spatial information presented simultaneously and sequentially .
45 The conference will be held at Gleneagles Hotel from 11–13 November , and it is hoped that delegates will include , doctors , sports scientists , physiotherapists , coaches , athletes and administrators .
46 Negotiations with BWB are , however , continuing , and it is hoped that , with their consent , volunteers may be able to complete the work at some future date .
47 These visits will be taking place throughout this year and it is hoped that members ' work will encourage these galleries to give the artists some sort of exhibition exposure .
48 The purpose was to begin a discussion which would launch a PLAN OF ACTION series in the 200th issue of Spare Rib , and it is hoped that an ongoing debate will ensue — dealing with some of the major difficulties facing the women 's movement in this country and worldwide .
49 The Bar is increasingly recognised as a world leader in the use of video conferencing as a practice tool , and it is hoped that practitioners will make more general use of the facility in its new home at Warwick Court ( ) .
50 Courses in Accountancy and European and Human Rights Law are being set up and it is hoped that as many pupils as possible will attend them , but for economic reasons it has been decided not to make them compulsory this year .
51 Pat Palmer would like to establish an emergency telephone chain in each Area and it is hoped that every Area Organiser will be able to set one up by the Autumn using the same overlap list as for collecting class statistics .
52 She will need much support and it is hoped that London teachers , who had first been suggested as overall organisers , will give her particularly strong backing and will take responsibility for running the Raffle .
53 In this form the Art Fair reached a more numerous and a far wider public ; and it is hoped that the Tabernacle will provide a permanent home for this venture , which does so much to help young artists of promise in the difficult years after leaving art college until they make their name .
54 More eggs are set to hatch at London Zoo this spring , and it is hoped that wild populations will be re-established in appropriate locations in the south of Britain .
55 He has proved his fitness in training , and it is hoped that his thundering tackles will help to knock Cornwall out of their stride .
56 The first meeting was held in January 1992 for tomato growers and it is hoped that clubs will be established for all crop groups by the end of 1994 .
57 The Easter Course usually attracts a good number of Q.T 's , and it is hoped that we can use some of them to assist with the teaching .
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