Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb mod] hear the " in BNC.

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1 It was another still island day and I could hear the sounds of a motorbike and chainsaw on the mainland .
2 The window was open at the top and I could hear the church bells ringing in the distance .
3 Buildings were in flames and I could hear the screams and moans of the trapped and injured .
4 Through the windows I could see the sky and clouds passing by , and I could hear the noise of the bird 's wings .
5 The rain was still beating on the windows , and I could hear the wind in the trees .
6 Fastening my watch round my wrist I saw that it was after seven and I could hear the farm men clattering in the yard outside as they began their morning tasks .
7 Agnes looked timid and I could hear the old servant weeping in the scullery .
8 ‘ The landing was ablaze and I could hear the soldiers shouting downstairs .
9 When I looked then at first I could n't see , it was all — you know — black like inside my eyes , but I knew they were open and I could hear the kids yelling — and when I got up he was lying on the sofa , snoring — he must 've just dropped me and let me where I lie- ’ She stopped and Clare sat quietly waiting .
10 The window is open and I can hear the sound of the wind in the branches .
11 Birds call from the trees above and I can hear the distant sound of traffic on the main road , through the forest .
12 It 's five in the morning and I can hear the first cars swooshing through empty streets .
13 Their calibre , though , is impossible to deny : listen to the last half of Divine Madness and you 'll hear the most consistently pugnacious and provocative music British pop has turned up in the last 15 years .
14 on this Friday afternoon and you 'll hear the latest video news .
15 So listen this Friday afternoon and you 'll hear the latest video news .
16 The postscript to this chapter comes from Leonard Ravenhill and you can hear the passion coming through as he waxes lyrical in this highly quotable ( or unquotable , depending on your tastes ) purple passage :
17 Listen to the track and you can hear the way Joe speeds up , slows down and pauses here and there .
18 So it mixes it and you can hear the difference .
19 ‘ The dressing rooms are underground and you can hear the rumble of the crowd above you .
20 The word WORKING will be displayed on the screen for a while and you will hear the disk spinning in the disk drive .
21 Mrs Glews : Well first of all you heard the sirens go off and then you all went down to the shelter and you could hear the planes coming over .
22 He held his coffee cup as a woman does , with both palms curled around it , for the warmth ; and you could hear the china tapping its morse against his teeth .
23 Then , suddenly , everything was quiet again and you could hear the dust settling .
24 I used to go to these houses with all the other kids , and you could hear the parents , someone would say , but he 's not very like his father , and then they 'd all explain in voices you could hear a mile away , and I would get funny looks from all the rest .
25 At the end of a special evening , or rather at its high point , you would hear Gary playing a certain intro , and you 'd hear the whole bar going quiet as people recognised it .
26 And you 'd hear the tracer bullets rattling about the tin sheds .
27 The earth on her fingers sung to her and she could hear the rhythm of the seasons , the wobbling journey of her planet through space , which gave the earth its sides and turns , and within that there were the smaller rhythms of her rake , of her tractor engine , of her trowel and of her brain .
28 And she could hear the rooks cawing too .
29 Meanwhile , in her mind , she had visions of the Brownings rattling along in high good humour with all manner of beautiful vistas to right and left as they trotted to Arezzo and she could hear the conversation and Pen 's excited laughter .
30 The thunder still battered overhead , and she could hear the splash and gurgle of water running in the courtyard , but here at least it was possible to believe in quiet , to think it might be possible to speak and to be spoken to .
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