Example sentences of "and [adv] come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Losing tended to lead to a disintegration of the group , and the search for scapegoats both within and outside the group ; tasks needs became even more important to the loser ; losing , however , forced groups to re-evaluate their view of themselves and eventually come to a more realistic assessment of what changes were required to make the group effective .
2 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
3 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
4 For Augustine , mystical experience operated in the gap between the Creator and creature , enabling man to recognise his own true nature and so come to a knowledge of God — a process possible only because of the Incarnation , the love poured out from the being of God to his creatures which revealed how He could be known .
5 After spending all night , like John , at the tiller , he was relieved to find that ‘ steering as the children in my story steered , we should indeed reach the Deurloo Channel , and so come to the mouth of Flushing harbour ’ .
6 I had thought about it seriously , examined the political parties with an open mind , and finally come to the conclusion that the Lib-Dems should have my vote .
7 Ski coaching schemes run by schools and youth organisations are legally charitable and also come into the remit of BSET .
8 They can be referred to as bills , drafts or acceptances and often come with a label — bank bills , bank drafts , time drafts , bankers acceptances are some examples .
9 Either that or they go through to Salzburg and then come off the motorway there .
10 Mum would tell us things about her childhood , and then come to a bit and just shut up .
11 Still detached from the actual sensations , she described how he had gone under the water and then come to the surface again several times before finally drowning .
12 I shall respond to my hon. Friend the Member for Wellingborough and the hon. Member for Western Isles on the question of force and then come to the very issue that the hon. Member for Liverpool , West Derby ( Mr. Wareing ) has raised , which I recognise is relevant .
13 I am not going to write to the Colleges themselves one week with bureaucratic non-talk and then come into the clear the following week … if there is going to be an outburst I believe the sooner we get it over the better .
14 ‘ Yes , sometimes you create this illusion for yourself , because you 've been with it a certain number of hours , but it can also go the other way : you might think something 's horrible and then come in the next day and realise it 's actually pretty good .
15 At a roadside cottage at the end of the village ( a former toll bar ) , a narrow lane turns off the main road to the left and continues beyond a crossroads and the old railway track to start a long climb on the side of Casterton Fell and ultimately come to an end at Bullpot Farm .
16 There may in fact be little street credibility for the intentions and claims of the school , for example it 's no good boasting of an open door policy if people feel intimidated and never come across the playground .
17 I can not tell you why , but please do what I ask you , and never come near the moor again .
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