Example sentences of "and [adv] subject [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Presidential support scores are so inadequate and so subject to misinterpretation by students and others ( including presidents ! ) that it is time for Congressional Quarterly to consider abandoning them .
2 Is the imagery God-given , or is it the product of the human imagination and so subject to alteration in another age ?
3 This latter fact simply means that as we go along the chain of correlated consequences to larger and larger systems the links in the chain become tighter and tighter , less and less subject to quantum mechanical " creakiness ' .
4 The concern was that librarians , not unnaturally , might be sensitive about making their teaching material generally available , and thus subject to the scrutiny of their peers , and furthermore subject to plagiarism .
5 By an ‘ ethical a priori ’ position I mean to indicate that certain principles are held to be an a priori and not subject to qualification .
6 The decision of the Arbitrators is final and not subject to ratification by Council .
7 Many of the Site Classe areas are small and not subject to change , e. g. small lakes , wetlands or high pasture .
8 On March 11 it voted to proclaim itself a sovereign body whose decisions would be binding and not subject to government authority .
9 Today , although virtually cut off from the outside world and still subject to army harassment , the community remains determined to stay put .
10 A more complex rule , linking monetary policy to last period 's unemployment rate or balance of payments deficit or whatever , may be less easy to understand and more subject to error because of , for example , inaccuracies in the balance of payments figures .
11 As we shall see , such pasturage was increasingly valuable ( and hence subject to regulation ) and this was part of a general concern from the Middle Ages onwards with providing sufficient grass and fodder for animals all through the year .
12 When employees are asked , as in this case , to relocate as part of an office move they also receive £1500 paid through the payroll ( and hence subject to tax ) as a compensatory disturbance payment .
13 It is , however , difficult to see how ambitious practice aims could be realised from payments made and therefore subject to change on a quarterly basis .
14 This programme , which is still at the experimental stage and therefore subject to adjustment in the light of experience , is intended to supplement and not to replace the close personal supervision which graduate students are entitled to expect .
15 The data , particularly costs and resource availability , may be estimates and therefore subject to review .
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