Example sentences of "and [adv] across the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The wind seemed to drive all ways at once , so that whichever way they turned , as they struggled to and fro across the yard , and from building to building , the snow was always directly into their faces .
2 In the morning I went ashore with the captain in a bumboat , passing a variety of small craft that plied to and fro across the straits .
3 Wallis never forgot how Minton , whilst painting this portrait , skipped to and fro across the floorboards at Shaftesbury Villas ‘ like some lean fencer with his long brush stabbing at the canvas ’ , all the while throwing out the liveliest sallies .
4 Prostates , bypasses , hip replacements and renal surgery swung to and fro across the table .
5 They bustled to and fro across the dock and swarmed on and off the ships .
6 He found that he could n't remain seated while she was striding to and fro across the office .
7 Simply stretch the wire to and fro across the pond from picture hook to picture hook .
8 In the aftermath of Bermuda , goodwill surged to and fro across the Atlantic .
9 Incidentally , this picture of the working of Ashington suggests all sorts of local routes to and fro across the parish in performing these various activities .
10 It is the same all down the Welsh border , from Cheshire down to the Severn , and thence across the Severn to the three south-western counties of Somerset , Devon and Cornwall .
11 Through Master Control the programme was fed to the network and thence across the continent .
12 Smallfry peeled off her gloves and moved slowly and elegantly across the kitchen .
13 The two boys walked quickly and secretly across the road towards the old gentleman .
14 He lay in bed all afternoon with the light of the summer sky travelling up the walls and slowly across the ceiling .
15 Not only were limestones deposited in Europe as far south as Cantabria and right across the Mid-West , they also went a lot farther .
16 tavernas , and cafés and right across the water is Albania .
17 The dead eye was shuttered under a black patch held by a cord that went under one ear then reappeared , coming out of the hairline and down across the forehead .
18 The cockerel stood braced , shrilling its cry out into the mist , answering other calls from other compounds up and down across the hillside .
19 Without waiting for Chuck he strode off in the direction taken by the herd , and halfway across the grassland he let out a roar and dropped to his knees .
20 The aim of the system is to enable travellers to reach the core of the city centre by rail systems in a way that is not possible now , to facilitate movements across the city centre and thus across the city , to persuade travellers to shift from car travel to public transport thus relieving road congestion , and to facilitate the revitalisation of the city centre .
21 The apartments we 've selected , exclusive to Club guests , include the Palmyra , Mega , Yannis and Minos and are all close to each other and just across the road from the beach with fabulous views over the bay of Ipsos .
22 Close to the beautiful Mirabell Gardens and just across the river from the Old Town , the Salzburg Sheraton is rated as one of the city 's best hotels .
23 And just across the street was an auction room .
24 In merry companionship both men braved the hardship of the landlord 's sleeping arrangements and settled for the night , chatting idly and humorously across the partition like schoolboys in a dormitory .
25 He hesitated before her a moment , and then he took her hands and bent his head , and gave her the solemn kiss of kinship ; and before she could draw breath and touch her astonished fingers to her lips , he was out of the paddock and away across the clearing into the trees .
26 He came slowly and deliberately across the fields to the back door .
27 Not only did the king have a spare hour for what turned out to be an excellent interview in the palace gardens , but on learning that there was now no plane to take us home until Monday , laid on two helicopters to take us all on a Sunday outing to Petra ( the ‘ rose red city half as old as time ’ ) , then on to Aqaba on the Red Sea for lunch and a swim , and home across the desert and the black tents of the Bedouins in the evening .
28 Make it a habit to move your eyes smoothly and rapidly across the page , continuing from one line to another without a break .
29 He rounded a corner , passing three children kicking a football back and forth across the road .
30 A six-pack of beer , which someone had forgotten to stow away , slid back and forth across the cabin floor , over and over again .
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