Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] wide [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of the task requires cooperative activity of a high order at various levels and between a wide range of people .
2 The Chaplaincy Centre is a place of meeting , informally over coffee during the day , and for a wide range of student groups who use the building regularly .
3 Prior 's intellectual energies still left him time for his family and for a wide circle of friends , colleagues , and pupils .
4 Elected to Parliament in 1885 , Wilson was able to bring pressure to bear on the Liberal Party , both for repeal and for a wider programme of moral reform and social disciplining .
5 We then consider some of the current and future implications of past changes and of those still to come , both for individuals who survive into what is commonly called old age and for the wider society of which they are a part .
6 Although aimed at student nurses , it would also be of interest to graduate nurses both for revision purposes and for the wide range of topics covered .
7 Urban sociology has tended recently to turn its attention away from the politics of collective consumption and towards a wider debate regarding the changing nature of civil society .
8 During the 1980s there was evidence of harsher punishments being handed out to reckless drivers , and of a wider appreciation of the risks created and the misery inflicted by deviations from proper standards of driving .
9 The student can understand that the discipline is not given in any absolute sense , but has been socially formed and reflects interests both of rival factions within the disciplinary culture and of the wider society .
10 It is an indication both of the confusion within the Unionist Party and of the wider appeal of Paisley 's politics that the election was punctuated by claims and rebuttals concerning a pact between the Protestant Unionists and the Unionist Party .
11 That has to be to the long-term benefit of the profession and of the wider community .
12 Not as clearly defined as the one back at his office , more like a study really , with a desk and filing cabinet , a bookcase against one wall , and beneath a wide window a long , narrow work-top cluttered with various pieces of gadgetry .
13 Right , have you starting to talk early and with a wide coverage unusual it is for their age example , classical music for a three year old , reading by the age of three , early ability and enjoyment of
14 Of the highest quality , generously made and with a wide choice of rigid baths and fittings .
15 Red-necked phalarope are very numerous , and waders such as whimbrel , redshank and black-tailed godwit nest in the meadows nearby It is not too unusual to see a magnificent gyr falcon swoop across the lake on a hunting expedition — and with a wide choice of birds on the menu !
16 Formerly the Newspaper Proprietors Association , it now became the Newspaper Publishers Association , marking a shift from member groups dominated by a single proprietor to corporations managed on more orthodox commercial lines and with a wide range of finance .
17 Choose one that 's the right size for your garden and with a wide wheel tread — narrow wheels sink into soft ground .
18 Straight blonde hair , slender-faced and with a wide mouth of expectancy as if everything that happened that was a surprise was excitement and welcomed .
19 With the European Community continuing to have a major impact on the key corporate tax planning issues associated with operations in mainland Europe , and with the wide divergence of personal tax practices and rules globally , keeping abreast of developments is essential for all practitioners .
20 Driven on by wind and tide they raced through this passage and into a wide lake .
21 He followed Eloise out of the sitting room — she called it her boudoir , which he thought an affectation — and along the wide corridor towards the big first-floor room where the Brückners held their parties and the guests were able to admire his Russian art collection .
22 And from a wider point of view , We 're not helping the genuine trader .
23 From your speech in parliament and from a wide variety of other speeches I understand that you no longer agree with the evidence you accepted in 1971 .
24 Nevertheless , some men and women have , since the middle 1960s , benefited from the expansion of university education , from the growth of law faculties in universities , and from the wider availability of this education and , with little private income , have been able ( largely because of the increase in publicly financed legal aid ) to make a living at the bar .
25 What the MacMahon Act did do was to make the British programme slower and more expensive ; and from the wider standpoint of the Western Alliance , it led to unnecessary duplication of effort .
26 Woods and Rawlings ( 1989 ) also point out that genetic engineering has considerable application in this field by developing improved strains of the relevant bacteria which are more efficient , can operate on a wider variety of substrates and in a wider variety of environmental conditions .
27 Medau came to Dartmouth — and in a wider sense , Devon — via Moyra Hopley who moved here from Essex .
28 The second raid was a diversion for now that raiding was becoming more organised , full use could be made of feints and diversions to distract defenders from intended targets , and in a wider strategy the whole policy of raiding would involve a major distraction of the enemy towards an invasion of Norway , not France .
29 The housing market impacts on consumer spending in two ways : directly , in that a higher number of house-moves brings forward purchasing of consumer durables and DIY products ; and in a wider context , because as property values appreciate , homeowners become wealthier and therefore likely to spend more .
30 Oxford Placement Tests have proved effective with all students from elementary level up to post-Proficiency and in a wide range of institutions .
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