Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the financial " in BNC.

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1 Those debt and equity securities that are held for current resale would be classified as trading securities and included in the financial statements at fair value with unrealised gains and losses included in earnings .
2 Elsag Bailey SpA has acquired Ferranti International Controls Inc of Houston , and according to the Financial Times , Ferranti International Plc is in process of getting out of the US , where it does some $100m a year , some 25% of the total , and employs about 1,000 people : it is winding up a Pennsylvania company , Ferranti International Simulation & Training and will sell the rest .
3 Political discussions had centred on the Gulf crisis and on the recent Arab deaths in Jerusalem [ see p. 37759 ] ; all were able to condemn the latter , and according to the Financial Times of Oct. 11 " the Arab side appeared encouraged by what they [ saw ] as French recent acceptance of some linkage between the Gulf and the Arab-Israeli problem " .
4 The country had the highest sulphur dioxide emission per head of population in Europe [ see p. 36792 ] and according to the Financial Times of Feb. 21 , 1990 , one power station burning brown coal in Cottbus produced more pollution annually than Norway and Denmark together .
5 The course extends into post-harvest processing , storage and marketing of crop products and deals with the financial and socio-economic consequences of production strategies .
6 Divested of their natural homes and hunting grounds , cut off from the renewable natural resources on which they depended , observing the continuing slaughter by visitors licensed to kill and construct , and disinherited from the financial or other benefits of these exercises , they became party to the most misguided and cynical game this century : the over-exploitation and destruction of the natural environment for the benefit of a few .
7 To receive and consider the Directors ' Report and Accounts for the financial year ended 27th March 1993 .
8 Graeme Macdonald compares experience of arguments between substance and form in the financial reporting and taxation contexts .
9 For too long we have regarded the pound as sacrosanct , but who wants to be paid in funny money that is for ever being debased by inflation and buffeted on the financial and foreign exchange markets ?
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