Example sentences of "and [verb] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , Castro had begun to jettison the middle class and to cultivate support among the peasantry , workers and students through the use of nationalistic and class appeals .
2 Help Eastern European countries embracing democracy , and declare support for the reform policies of President Mikhail Gorbachev ;
3 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
4 On Jan. 26 a single-paragraph statement by Mandela , dated Jan. 25 and reaffirming support for the ANC 's policy of nationalizing the " mines , banks and monopoly industries " , was released to refute rumours that he now favoured a mixed economy .
5 Pilot schemes suggest they can add greatly to the citizen 's sense of security and build support for the police .
6 During a debate on party organisation , some representatives complained that Conservative Central Office was not providing Tory workers with the necessary back-up to sustain and win support at the grass roots .
7 The reasons given for involvement follow a clear pattern : ‘ mobilise the masses around precise objectives ’ , ‘ unifying the country ’ , ‘ to help educate the masses and rally support for the government ’ , 'to mobilise the people behind the president and party' , and so on .
8 ON APRIL 26 , Qin Benli , the editor of the Shanghai-based Shijie Jingjie Dao Bao ( World Economic Herald ) was sacked for publishing notes of a forum calling for the rehabilitation of Hu Yaobang , the former disgraced Communist Party 's general secretary who died in April this year , and expressing support for the student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square .
9 On May 29 tens of thousands of demonstrators in Tirana 's Skanderbeg Square , calling for the overthrow of the government and expressing support for the hunger strikers , attacked police with rocks , bottles and fire-bombs .
10 On June 19 , Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement calling on Yugoslavia 's leaders to " resolve their disputes peacefully " and expressing support for the " territorial integrity of Yugoslavia " .
11 The declaration highlighted the importance of the current Middle East peace talks and reiterated support for the Palestinian intifada , adding that the liberation of Jerusalem " was the Islamic cause of this generation " .
12 Charles I raised his standard at Nottingham and received support from the north and the west of England , also the Church ; Oxford University and feudal aristocrats .
13 The Americans were also worried by the British tendency to take too mild a view of Soviet intentions , an attitude which they feared might give rise to false hopes among the public in the West , and lessen support for the build-up of Nato .
14 In January 1991 Özal antagonized conservative nationalist currents within the ANAP by easing restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language , hoping thereby to improve Turkey 's minority rights record and to undercut support for the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which since 1984 had been waging a violent campaign in support of separatist demands .
15 ‘ Highly Conservative in politics , they are also High Churchmen ’ ; their sectarian spirit focused on Clarkson because , although a churchman , he had been an apologist for Quakerism and in earlier days as an enthusiast for civil as well as religious liberty ‘ he belonged to a very liberal class ’ and showed support for the French Revolution .
16 A new version 2.0 of DECdesign , the graphic and analysis design tool will now run on its Ultrix systems and includes support for the Ptech object-oriented methodology and C++ code generator from Associative Design Technology Inc .
17 It was necessary to work for the ‘ maximum co-ordination of efforts between the principled radical elements ’ and to win support from the NILP and the trade unions .
18 She explained that Ramadan was a time of reunion , of coming together to withstand the fast during the day and to share support during the night .
19 We need clergy who are former pupils of St Hugh 's to assist in a concelebrated mass and to pledge support for the future .
20 The C.-in-C. of the Air Force , Gen. Fernando Matthei Aubel , issued a statement on behalf of the air force on March 8 , welcoming the report and offering support for the government 's policy of reconciliation .
21 This could distort competition and reduce support in the business community for the single market .
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