Example sentences of "of live [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you wanted to find out how an astronaut 's body was likely to stand up to the strain of living on a very , very heavy planet , is there some way of testing it before actually visiting the planet ? ’
2 It was not until they levelled out that she thought again about the possibility of living to a ripe old age .
3 I think it could happen in Britain , instead of this feeling of living under a grey blanket , which you somehow have when you 're back here . ’
4 She encapsulates the new commonsense : the housewife managing the nation in a way familiar to the ordinary household ( not spending more than it is earning ) and bringing home to her striking trade unionised husband the ‘ harsh realities and consequences of living without a weekly wage ’ .
5 Understand and evaluate the implications of living in a plural society with different lifestyles
6 Having to rise first for the privacy that afforded was one of the penalties of living in a two-roomed house where the kitchen also doubled as a bedroom .
7 ‘ It 's not that I 'm afraid of living in a strange place , Ruth .
8 To ensure an employee becomes effective in his work as soon as possible , briefing on the areas mentioned above is most important but no matter how much business information is provided in advance , the expatriate can not give full attention to his work if he or members of his family suffer culture shock as a result of living in a strange environment .
9 They thought months of living in a cramped caravan was all worthwhile when the new house was finished and they finally moved in .
10 " What 's the point of living in a new , Christian age , if we do n't use its technology ?
11 One of the new breed of Sandhurst-trained officers in the regiment , he has also attended the Platoon Commanders ' Battle Course at the School of Infantry , and is well versed in the principles of living in a defensive position .
12 Sir Patrick said : ‘ There is in my belief , and in my experience , a profound desire amongst everyday people in Northern Ireland , right across the community , that the politicians should resume talks , because there is a recognition that there has to be a way of securing a less antagonist way of living in a divided society than we have at the moment . ’
13 To mourn in this sense means to be conscious of living in a fallen world , where people live such lonely , broken lives .
14 He could never grasp the essentials , the requirements , the obligations of living in a western society .
15 Like its predecessor , Another Lonely Londoner offers a distinctly bittersweet account of the immigrant experience , in which the racism and the shitty jobs and housing are balanced by the excitement of living in a major metropolis with its siren promise of one day making it big .
16 The political basis of society is also held to rest on voluntary agreement , in the sense that citizens are conceived of entering into an implicit social contract whereby each surrenders the liberty to do whatever he wants and agrees to pay taxes and abide by laws in exchange for the advantages of living in a governed society , which provides him with law and order and , nowadays , a whole range of goods and services .
17 I had , for the previous fifteen years , enjoyed the privilege of living in a Christian community where the charismatic question had been a lively issue , and where ‘ charismatic ’ and ‘ non-charismatic ’ ordinands lived together in a high degree of mutual trust and love .
18 Thus according to the Child Poverty Action Group ( CPAG ) ‘ poverty is viewed in relation to a generally accepted standard of living in a particular society that goes beyond basic physical needs ’ to include ‘ broader social and cultural needs ’ as well .
19 They had been coming over steadily ever since , in spite of warnings about the difficulties of living in a foreign land — warnings given them by the English Jewish establishment .
20 John Russell himself had no memory of his father and only some memory of living in a Mexican village .
21 They not only face the dangers of living in a war-torn society , but also risk torture or death for wanting to tell the truth as they see it and for refusing to be a part of the various propaganda machines that are fuelling the present conflict .
22 If German experience is anything to go by , initial public wariness will be replaced by warm approval , as residents come to appreciate the manifest advantages of living in a residential area that has been reclaimed from domination by the car .
23 Now we have here in the studio tonight four people who are vitally and personally concerned with the problems of living in a multiracial community .
24 Rather , it is because , ‘ Weary of living in a continual state of war , and of enjoying liberty rendered useless by the uncertainty of preserving it , [ we ] sacrifice a part so that [ we ] might enjoy the rest of it in peace and safety ’ ( p. 11 ) .
25 Both Law and Baxter liked a good time , but language problems , an over-attentive press and the sheer tedium of living in a big city hotel , conspired against them .
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