Example sentences of "of people living [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The total number of people living below the poverty line ( $370 per year ) in the ‘ developing ’ world will only decline slightly from present levels ( 1,125 million ) to about 825 millions by 2000 .
2 Surveying rural poverty in 114 nations with sizeable rural landholding populations , the report shows that the number of people living below the poverty line has increased by 40 per cent in the past 20 years .
3 This is because kinship links are strongly morally and socially charged , while those between worker and employer are impersonal , because kinship implies reciprocal rights and duties while the capitalist has all the rights and the worker all the duties , because kinship links can not be broken at will while those of the labour market can , and because , as Marx and Engels wrongly believed , kinship links are egalitarian and non-exploitative ; that is , they do not involve one group of people living on the back of another .
4 Millions of people living on the streets .
5 Millions of people living on the streets , congestion , pollution yet through it all , caring and a friendship which are not easy to come by even in the richest parts of the Western World .
6 It also suggests that the presence of toxic chemicals in reproductive tracts of people living near the Lakes " could be a factor contributing to the otherwise unexplained declines in North American fertility rates " .
7 Whether or not the Camelford aluminium case is ever proved to have led to long-term damage to the health of people living in the area , it was certainly a major pollution incident .
8 At one stage the Hinkley Point site was said to be officially designated as ‘ remote ’ , because the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small — about 1,500 .
9 However , we have made allowance for housing costs and for the personal expenditures of people living in the community at the end of the analysis .
10 The sense of division which exists is a comparatively new phenomenon , at least to judge from the life histories and recollections of people living in the area .
11 Yet its adoption as the language of primary education , and the increased mobility of people living in the country , means that the use of Swahili will spread .
12 Their names would not appear in the lists of people living in the shattered apartment blocks .
13 A SURVEY is to be carried out to assess the social and health needs of people living in the Brandywell area of Londonderry .
14 Based on the most serious accident which it was realistically supposed could occur , these plans set the limit of expected evacuation of people living round the Hinkley Point site at just over two miles .
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