Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] following the " in BNC.

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1 They claimed to be victims of political persecution following the military crackdown on student protesters .
2 All this , of course , is during a time of exaggerated relief following the Pleistocene glaciation .
3 The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government .
4 The radiation of marine faunas following the massive end-Palaeozoic extinctions was a long-continuing , progressive phenomenon , but was marked by a pulse of acceleration and replacement in the mid-Cretaceous , with diversity increase continuing into the Cainozoic ( Fig. 18.6 ) .
5 In any event , the value of such a provision would depend upon the availability of distributable reserves following the breach .
6 On June 22 Tokonye Kotelo , hitherto high commissioner in Kenya , was named as Minister of Foreign Affairs following the resignation of Capt. Pius Molapo ; on June 23 Chief Mohlalefi Bereng was sworn in as the Minister of Interior , Chieftaincy Affairs and Rural Development , replacing Kgotsi Matete ; three other Cabinet changes were made on June 29 .
7 Which factors are most likely to limit the spread of liberal democracy following the end of the Cold War ?
8 Letty knocked and glancing up Emily saw a slight figure with a mass of dark hair following the maid into the room .
9 The state of emergency imposed throughout the country on Feb. 28 , 1989 , the second day of violent unrest following the introduction on Feb. 16 of an economic austerity programme [ see pp. 36459-60 ] , was lifted on March 9 , 1989 .
10 He watched the first few matches tee off , then joined the trickle of early spectators following the Red route round the course .
11 The influence of serious complications following the operation .
12 1885 , an annus mirabilis of sexual politics , was also the year of the expansion of the electorate , fears of national decline following the defeat of General Gordon , anxieties about the future of Ireland , and all this in the context of a socialist revival and feminist agitation .
13 Best of Opposite Sex Following the selection of Best of Breed and Best of Winners , all the winners of the opposite sex to Best of Breed remain in the ring .
14 In the period of technological innovation following the second world war a group of human relations specialists , working from the Tavistock Institute in London , noted that the social behaviour of workers and their organisational structure in groups and teams was influenced by the technical systems associated with that work .
15 Mr Foster said Solace welcomed opportunities , challenges and the raising of environmental awareness following the Earth Summit in Brazil .
16 A second supplement to the notice , United Nations Act 1946 : Serbia and Montenegro of 8 June 1992 , giving details of revised arrangements following the tightening of sanctions , was issued by the Bank of England .
17 In the educational sphere , for example , he points to the uniformity of local education authorities in adopting a tripartite system of secondary education following the 1944 Education Act .
18 Tension escalated in Kurdish areas of south-eastern Turkey following the torture and murder on July 7-8 of Vedat Aydin , 36 , a Kurdish human rights activist and local chairman of the People 's Labour Party ( HEP ) .
19 During his last years he was involved in a bitter and ramified dispute with Edmund , Earl of Cornwall , in the defence of ecclesiastical rights following the encroachments of the earl and his agents .
20 From the moment in 1979 when Mrs Thatcher swept to power on a wave of uncollected garbage following the ‘ winter of discontent ’ , her radical assault on social democracy and the welfare state was to be a continuing theme of the politics of the 1980s .
21 India could develop test-tube fusion cells , using them as a source of neutrons to make weapons grade materials , breaking out of the stranglehold that the USA has held them in since severance of nuclear ties following the Pokran nuclear test in 1974 ; they set to work at once before the US classifies it as secret and corners the world market on the essential materials .
22 Although neither country was a signatory to the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [ see p. 38255 ] , it was felt that the safeguards agreement , the culmination of a series of bilateral initiatives following the return of both countries to civilian government in the early 1980s , would prevent nuclear technology being used to manufacture weapons .
23 Here is an ostensible shift in the balance of the Government 's approach , reflecting the new composition of the Cabinet but also , perhaps , the new constellation of electoral politics following the disintegration of the centre parties .
24 The annual survey on the Norwegian economy published in early March 1991 by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) reported that inflation , then at an annual rate of 4.5 per cent , was " below the rates prevailing in most trading partner countries " , and that there was a current-account surplus for the third year in succession after several years of difficult adjustment following the mid-1980s fall in oil prices .
25 Living conditions in the countryside had never approached the Arcadian well-being implied in romantic notions of sturdy peasants following the plough .
26 Jackson and Robinson found that the hoped for reduction in social divisiveness and the wider range of educational opportunity following the introduction of comprehensive education did not materialise because of sub-group norms and emotional upset at being away from home .
27 The Pact would provide for the withdrawal of Soviet forces following the formation of a coalition government in Kabul .
28 Unfortunately , as a result of other priorities following the fall of France in June 1940 , the project was abandoned .
29 The early 1960s were turbulent times for blacks as the reverberations from the spate of immigrant intimidations following the Notting Hill and Nottingham episodes had barely subsided .
30 It was a dark age similar to the Dark Age of Western Europe following the final collapse of the Roman Empire .
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