Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] carried [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Besides those things which a partner is actually authorised to do by the terms of the partnership , any other of his acts which would be part of the usual conduct of a business of the type carried on by his firm will also be binding .
2 ( a ) The Agency Principle Section 5 of the Partnership Act ( power of partner to bind the firm ) states that : Every partner is an agent of the firm and his other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership ; and the acts of every partner who does any act for carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried on by the firm of which he is a member bind the firm and his partners , unless the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the firm in the particular matter , and the person with whom he is dealing either knows that he has no authority , or does not know or believe him to be a partner .
3 Of course , none of the work carried out by Amnesty could continue without money and it is in this respect that sections , particularly the larger sections like the British , have a vital role to play .
4 Chamber chairman Jan Robb passed on the award to Roy Robins of the Alresford Society in recognition of the work carried out by Mr. Robins and the society in driving the scheme through to completion .
5 Each workshop will include demonstrations and a full day 's tuition from tutor , a FREE package of materials worth up to £70 , morning coffee , buffet lunch , afternoon tea , and a critique of the work carried out during the day .
6 We walked along the intersecting tyke walls and met a voluntary warden eager to talk to us about some of the work carried out on the reserve .
7 The big research foundations such as the Rowntree or Carnegie Trusts are of vital importance in financing much of the work carried out by universities or other organizations .
8 We want to stress that the term ’ minority ’ is in no way a reference to the importance of the work carried out by health visitors and nurses in the community , such as district nurses , community psychiatric nurses , school nurses , residential care nurses , occupational health nurses , practice nurses , nurse practitioners as well as those nurses who are working in terminal care .
9 Lanark Road Crossing The results of the survey carried out on 28.8.90 have not been received .
10 Mr. Philpot travelled from Pembrokeshire for a gathering which was not primarily a fund-raising event , but rather a celebration of the building carried out over the previous fifteen years to provide extensions of both premises and facilities .
11 However , even if additions make up most of the processing carried out on the file , it appears that bucket sizes small in comparison with a full track give optimal results .
12 It is important to realise that the complexity of the business carried on by solicitors in partnership is such as to make the adoption of a standard draft risky and unsatisfactory .
13 I have managed to obtain a copy of a survey carried out by final year students from Manchester Polytechnic in 1984 .
14 That 's one of the results of a survey carried out by Dr John Stradling , which found that 36,000 people in Britain suffer from sleep apnoea — it prevents air flowing freely to the lungs and results in loud snoring .
15 This has added insult to injury of a privatisation carried out against the wishes of the public .
16 It is accepted by Mr. Potts , for the defendants , that the quantification of litigation costs must be by means of a taxation carried out by a taxing master and that the taxation must be conducted on one or other of the two bases prescribed by Ord. 62 , r. 12 .
17 Ball missed the opening three matches of the season because of a suspension carried over from last season , and then served a two match ban last month for reaching 21 points .
18 Management would not be entitled to interest relief on loans to contribute capital to a partnership which acquires a company because the loans would not be " used wholly for the purposes of a trade carried on by the partnership " ( see s362 ( 1 ) ( b ) ) .
19 This chapter ends with a description of a study carried out into the origin , evolution , spellings and meaning of an individual surname .
20 The results of a study carried out by Johns ( 1991 ) suggest that in this genre simple verbs without modals or closely linked prepositional phrases are regularly fronted while long and syntactically complex subjects are not .
21 a widow is the first line of a paragraph left alone at the foot of a page and an orphan is the last line of a paragraph carried over to the top of a new page .
22 Section 23(1) provides that part II of the 1954 Act applies ‘ to any tenancy where the property comprised in the tenancy is or includes premises which are occupied by the tenant for the purposes of a business carried on by him or for those and other purposes ’ .
23 Thus the structure of the section presupposes that the profits of a business carried on in Hong Kong may accrue from different sources , some located within Hong Kong , others overseas .
24 Five years The tenant 's right to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , may be excluded or modified by agreement unless : ( 1 ) during the whole of the five years immediately preceding the date on which the tenant , under a tenancy to which the Act applies is to quit the holding , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if , during those five years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was a successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1958 , s38(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
25 Fourteen years The tenant will be entitled ( in certain circumstances ) to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , equal to the production of the appropriate multiplier and twice the rateable value of the holding if : ( 1 ) during the whole of the fourteen years immediately preceding the termination of his tenancy , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if during those fourteen years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was the successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
26 The commonest of these purposes are those of redevelopment and of occupation for the purposes of a business carried on by the landlord .
27 Thus , where landlords were entitled to determine a twenty-one year lease " at the expiration of fourteen years if they shall require the premises for the purposes of a business carried on by them " it was held to be sufficient for them to show that they would need at least part of the premises before the date on which the lease would otherwise have expired by effluxion of time ( Parkinson v Barclays Bank Ltd [ 1951 ] 1 KB 368 ) .
28 This was to be the first time in history that aircraft were used for ground attack , as an integral part of an operation carried out by ground and air forces .
29 However , the results of an autopsy carried out by an Israeli and a US pathologist on Feb. 7 indicated that whilst Akawi had been beaten he had died as a result of a " cardiac insufficiency " brought on by a serious heart condition .
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