Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] the whole " in BNC.

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1 While it remains unclear to this reader exactly what moral or spiritual relations are set forth in the three stories which comprise the titular parables , Proofs , the main part of the present volume , concerns itself with how the collapse of communism threatens the whole Western intellectual tradition of idealism and asceticism .
2 A sharp gust of wind set the whole tree in motion and he dung on desperately like a sailor in the rigging , remembering Dalziel 's jocular injunction to ‘ watch himself ’ .
3 Grey breath in the air , snowmen on the heath , pub bores droning on about how typical it is that a few inches of snow throws the whole country into chaos when the Swiss handle metres of the stuff without missing a beat .
4 It catches people 's imagination , and becomes , as Harry wanted , a kind of pictogram to represent the whole range .
5 Greg leaned forward conspiratorially , as if one touch of malice made the whole world kin .
6 We hounded him to such effect that he responded in the classic 1970s way and set up no less than an official committee of inquiry to consider the whole position .
7 ‘ The threat from a nuclear war forced us in the post-war period to think in terms of war destroying the whole planet .
8 The company is understood to have abandoned development of the Repository altogether , and the switch of strategy leaves the whole AD/Cycle concept in complete disarray , though the company says that it is reaffirming support for the AD/Cycle tools available : to do anything else would leave the company open to all manner of retaliation from AD/Cycle International Alliance Members .
9 To take a simple example : if we assume that the force of gravity permeates the whole material universe and that it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two atoms anywhere , then two interesting propositions arise .
10 Blazons of heraldry tattooed the whole surface of his skin — he seemed to be a living shield armoured in righteousness .
11 But a sense of challenge permeates the whole experience .
12 Given the numbers of the disadvantaged , critics of Treasury ridicule the whole proposal .
13 So that 's why there 'd been that electric air of haste pervading the whole episode .
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