Example sentences of "the latter [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently there was much disappointment in Washington when the European Community was established in 1957 without Britain , and when the latter went her own way as leader of the looser and less ambitious European Free Trade Area .
2 In 1378 , in another foray into Brittany , he was again with Gaunt when the latter launched his abortive attack on St Malo .
3 The Athlete 's Diary is one of a growing number of products available to assist the former group and encourage the latter to mend their lackadaisical ways .
4 Such contracts enable the latter to adjust their seasonal labour force downwards to cope with any less busy periods within the summer season and , more important , to run their labour forces down gradually as the season draws to an end and the number of guests tails off .
5 In 1989 the CME suspended negotiations with other exchanges and began discussions with its local rival , the CBoT , about the latter abandoning its own automated exchange proposal ( Aurora ) and adopting a modified Globex system .
6 The latter has its own ‘ small town ’ where riot simulations are carried out ( Lloyd , 1989:270 ) .
7 THE New Zealand Rugby League tourists must envy the amount of publicity — and the financial rewards — currently being enjoyed by their countrymen from the unsullied ‘ amateur ’ world of Rugby Union as the latter grind their remorseless way around Wales and Ireland .
8 The latter constitute our epistemological foundations , the former the superstructure built on those foundations .
9 This also strongly differentiated Leese 's fascism from Mosley 's since the latter explained his fascist revolt with reference to neo-Lamarckian arguments and Spengler 's historical and cultural vision .
10 The chapter begins by contrasting norm- and Criterion-referenced assessment , the former placing candidates relative to other candidates and the latter placing them relative to a description of performance — a criterion statement .
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