Example sentences of "the world at the moment " in BNC.

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1 That he is ranked only No 4 in the world at the moment is due to the eccentricity of the system .
2 What the bulls like is Britain 's new political certainty — a rare commodity around the world at the moment with so many major powers facing elections or new leaders — and the belief that London shares are cheap by international standards .
3 As for Nick Farr-Jones ; ‘ I admire him , he 's the best in the world at the moment for his reading of the game and for his organisation of the team on the field ’ .
4 ‘ If there 's a better full- back in the world at the moment I want see him said Hetherington . ’
5 Around forty of these drawings have been known for years from books and exhibitions , but as things are , I am the only person in the world at the moment to have complete knowledge of what that collection was in its entirety .
6 I I wonder really , the only rational appro , response to the world at the moment is n't to be depressed , I mean , everyone looks around famines in Africa , and war and jus and depredation
7 We hope very much it will be useful , but as I tried to stress at the beginning , we very much see the problems of developing countries , which we in the Institute are working on , as part of the problems of what 's going wrong in the world at the moment , in which we in Britain very much have a stake too .
8 Is it , can we attribute this sort of thing to the erm areas of drought , the areas of flooding that are occurring in various parts of the world at the moment , and all these sorts of things , and we have branches looking into this .
9 But my feeling is that the sort of run-of-the-mill , solid English composer , I say solid — they are not actually solid — but I mean the Harrison Birtwhistles , the Maxwell Davises of this world are some of the most interesting people in the world at the moment .
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