Example sentences of "the first person [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dickens does this all with the first person narrative in the form of Pip , the narrator and main character of the story .
2 The poet writes in the first person singular as a man talking to a loved one about the inevitable advent of his death , and yet the matter discussed here is not so much death as the gradual disappearance of life .
3 A possible response to this may be that if we want to understand the concept of knowledge we must treat the use of ‘ I know ’ ( the activity of avouching ) as the primary thing , but that there are other psychological verbs — such as ‘ I hope ’ — in which a speaker using the first person singular of the present tense does simply express his mental state .
4 Green , for example , repeatedly wonders about the identity of the first person speaker in " The retreate " ( " who is the " " I " " of the utterance ? "
5 Marcel , the first person narrator of the novel , meets the writer Bergotte for the first time .
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