Example sentences of "the commitment to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What distinguished Labour from the Conservatives was the prospect that an overall parliamentary majority would signify the end of capitalism and the beginning of socialism — even if the commitment to the gold standard , free trade and balanced budgets remained .
2 Despite the " stagnation of a number of industrial enterprises " , the commitment to the abolition of subsidies and a shift to " socialist cost accounting " was confirmed at the fifth session of the eighth National Assembly held in June .
3 The commitment to the eradication of rural and urban poverty , while not entirely forgotten , was subordinated to the goal of economic independence from Britain .
4 The obvious thing to do is raise income tax , but the Government pledged to reduce it in the election manifesto — just after the commitment to the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) .
5 One feature which appears central to both versions of geriatric provision is the commitment to the provision of a service which is area- , rather than simply hospital- , based .
6 The short answer is ‘ YES ’ ; I had no idea that some of you were unaware of the commitment to the Society made by our Honorary Officers and Committee Members .
7 May I first of all welcome aspects of the outcome of the Maastricht Council , including the strong statement against racism , the reaffirmation of policy on the middle east , the commitment to the enlargement of the Community , the statement on the republics of the Soviet Union , and , of course , the statement on Libya as a host Government for terrorism ?
8 The town elder can help organise the necessary preparations ( or resistance ) , can ask all manner of questions about families and journeys which will help deepen the commitment to the project .
9 Heather Scott , chairman of the Darlington Leukaemia Unit Fund , stressed the commitment to the project after a meeting Dr Peter Williamson last night .
10 These had two components : the commitment to the Commonwealth , and the notion of a special Anglo-American relationship .
11 Within the EEC the commitment to the Community seemed to be less ; or at least it was rather different .
12 Folly was n't sure if her growing feeling of euphoria was due to Luke 's excitement about the Rose Bowl 's possibilities — or the commitment to the future of their relationship that his willingness to help her implied .
13 With the commitment to the completion of the Single European Market ( SEM ) by 1992 , and the passage of the Single European Act , interest was rekindled in the social implications of evolving EEC policies .
14 With the commitment to the completion of the SEM added urgency was given to the Commission 's " watchdog " role in anticipating the social consequences of restructuring .
15 This inertia was broken by the new Commission under Jacques Delors , who presented an action plan , including the commitment to the completion of the SEM , at the 1984 Fontainebleau Summit .
16 The commitment to the commune , as the best means of taxing and policing the peasantry , was repeatedly reaffirmed .
17 The commitment to the drama becomes greater , and the work in other curriculum areas is tackled with real purpose .
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