Example sentences of "the [noun sg] set [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The capacity of the stadium has been limited to 17,000 with Dublin being allocated 10,000 , 5,000 to Wexford and the remainder set aside for neutrals .
2 Previously these costs were charged to the provision set up in prior years for the write-down on the withdrawal from property development .
3 The framework set out in Figure 7.5 is provided by Tough as a guide for teachers when identifying uses of language ‘ which they are probably already fostering , either intuitively or with some deliberation ’ .
4 The framework set out in Crystal and Quirk ( 1964 ) is unsatisfactory in two ways : firstly , no explicit distinction is made between sequential and prosodic variables and the choice between , say , rising as opposed to falling tone is presented as a choice of the same type as the choice between fast and slow speed ( tempo ) , which I feel is confusing .
5 You 've heard before that Leeds works within the rules of the framework set down by regional planning guidance , and that makes very and the main stream of that guidance is the revitalization of our inner areas .
6 passenger , the driver 's brother , knew vehicle was uninsured. he consented to ride in the vehicle when , with another , he and the driver set out on a night 's drinking .
7 The employee set up as a tailor within the relevant area within two years of leaving his employment .
8 Certainly , the complex set up in the city meant that the bishop , appointed in the time of Sigibert , was only too easily suspected of treason by Guntram — and the arrival of Gundovald clearly did not help matters .
9 But by the time the delegation set out for Paris , the French Draft Constitution had already been rejected — and with it the principle of free consent on which the French Union was to be based — and while he was still en route to France Ho learned that a Provisional Government of Cochinchina had been announced .
10 The address position is formed with the weight set more to the left side , leaning into the slope in order to gain stability and balance .
11 This led to the typology set out in Figure 5.1 below .
12 Although there is some experience of contracting in such services as catering and cleaning , the scale of the programme set out in the White Paper is of a different order .
13 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
14 The plan set out in a letter to the union is being seen as a sign that all thirty one pits earmarked for closure last year , will now shut .
15 Further the test set out in Hitchcock v WB and FEB ( 1952 ) 2 QB 561 had been replaced by the test in Re W which set out all that any judge needed to do in making a decision .
16 Incidentally , they 'd lost him — the coach set off without him in the end . ’
17 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
18 As the conflict between Milosevic and the FRY intensified [ see below ] , the Serbian delegation boycotted the first meeting in Zagreb on Oct. 12 of the committee set up under the Sept. 30 agreement to normalize relations between Croatia and the FRY .
19 Balanced growth incidence requires that , and from these equations it is possible to examine the effect of different combinations of taxes , taking account of the equivalence set out in the preceding paragraph .
20 Every other aspect of the scene set out before her belonged to another Rose Cottage .
21 Given the philosophy set out in the previous section it is essential that the Senior Administrative Assistant have able and experienced Principal Officers who they can turn to and that such Principal Officers should not be overstretched by dealing with individual cases but are available to direct and manage operations .
22 There are many other beautiful things there but I can not resist quoting a caption — for once , given in English — in the room set aside for the revolution of 1848 .
23 It was agreed that for the moment one Model 30 , re-allocated from ( 2 ) above , will be provided for pool use by all Associates , to be sited in the room set aside for Associates .
24 In the shorter run , however , the property qualifications for the franchise set down in the act did effectively exclude the working class from political participation through the ballot box , although the franchise itself was only increased by some 220000 in England and Wales .
25 In short , there are many variations on the theme set out in the last paragraph .
26 As he knows , I must decide whether to give this matter precedent over the business set down for today or for tomorrow .
27 As he knows , I have to decide whether his application comes within the Standing Order and , if so , whether a debate should be granted which would take precedence over the business set down for today or tomorrow .
28 Furthermore , the exercise of such discretion would not in my opinion be amenable to judicial review on the basis set out in the decision of your Lordships ' House in Reg. v. Tower Hamlets London Borough Council , Ex parte Chetnik Developments Ltd. [ 1988 ] A.C. 858 .
29 ‘ Subject to the following provisions of this section , where this section applies , the landlord in default shall , by virtue of this section , be liable to pay to the former residential occupier , in respect of his loss of the right to occupy the premises in question as his residence , damages assessed on the basis set out in section 28 below .
30 ( 3 ) Subject to the following provisions of this section , where this section applies , the landlord in default shall , by virtue of this section , be liable to pay to the former residential occupier , in respect of his loss of the right to occupy the premises in question as his residence , damages assessed on the basis set out in section 28 below .
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