Example sentences of "the [noun sg] at the foot " in BNC.

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1 Marcus , putting his hands upon the board at the foot , moved the bed slightly on its casters , moving it gently to and fro with a movement as of one rocking a cradle .
2 He flung the contract at the feet of the American .
3 Stones dropped from the top of the mast of a uniformly moving ship fell to the deck at the foot of the mast and not some distance from the mast , as Aristotle 's theory predicted .
4 Galileo took the argument further and claimed that the correctness of his law of inertia could be demonstrated by dropping a stone from the top of the mast of a uniformly moving ship and noting that it strikes the deck at the foot of the mast , although Galileo did not claim to have performed the experiment .
5 He was staring towards her , his hands on the rail at the foot of the bed .
6 The Absolon who mourns may be recalled when we see the suckling child in the cradle at the foot of the miller and his wife 's bed ( 4156 – 7 ) .
7 He stopped to look at the house and saw below it , on the shore , a large rectangular basin which seemed to have been blasted out of the rock at the foot of the cliff .
8 It 's easy but sneaky ; you ferry a dump of fuel , shielding , a nuke and a missile , load up on fuel and a nuke , fly out and up eight clicks , drop the nuke at the foot of the mountains , power-dive back down to base , load the shielding , fuel to the max with just one missile aboard ( meanwhile the nuke explodes , shaking the ground ; you do n't want to be fuelling at this point ) , then you climb like fuck , get to ceiling and then hover in the air above the rising mushroom cloud !
9 With four of us , climbing the route in two parties of two , and four 50 metre ropes to play with , retreat would be relatively straightforward to the snow at the foot of the route .
10 ‘ You 'll find an oilskin jacket in the locker at the foot of the stairs , ’ I said , ‘ and you 'll also discover that Ellen has left a Thermos of coffee on the stove , and I like mine without sugar but with milk .
11 Notice how people gather at certain spots : they crowd the sand at the foot of the steps leading from the promenade ; and they gather in groups near the places where deck-chairs are hired , where icecreams are sold , or where swings and roundabouts occupy pitches on the beach .
12 Caspar was way down the bottom of the field near the wood at the foot of Mrs Wright 's lawn .
13 I made my way carefully down the staircase , intending to sit in the sun at the foot of the wall and drink my tea , but the breeze could find no way there , and the strange , musky smell from the wall where those plants grew was stronger than ever .
14 Franco 's project stopped short of a royal palace or royal tombs , but it attempted to emulate El Escorial in virtually everything else , including its monastery , its panoramic vista towards Madrid , across the plain at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama , the bellic nature of its origin24 and the massive scale of its construction .
15 These darkening extremities , or ‘ points ’ , then slowly spread as the young cat becomes mature and by the end of the first year the Siamese has its adult pattern , with the nose colour covering most of its face , the dark ear-fringe spreading to include most of its ear surface , the tail-tip colour extending right up to near the base of its tail , and the pigment at the feet stretching halfway up its legs .
16 Motorists , denied this exhilarating walk , must return to Dent on wheels , reaching the village a mile from the junction at the foot of Deepdale .
17 The disturbance of the balance which would occure by the immersion of the lift in the water at the foot of its inclined way may be automatically compensated by varying the effective diameters of the winding drums of the balance ropes , or by bringing auxiliary power into operation at the required moment .
18 The present improvement has for its object to compensate for the disturbance of the balance between the upgoing and downgoing lifts which occurs by the immersion of the latter in the water at the foot of the incline , and the improvement consists in gradually diminishing the gradient at the upper end of the incline so as to avoid the great increase of haulage power which would otherwise be required to raise the ascending lift from about the moment when the descending dock begins to enter the water .
19 Litchfield , who had kept Scunthorpe in the competition by saving a late penalty in the game at Glanford Park , almost gave this one away in the opening minutes when he dropped the ball at the feet of Ronnie Futcher .
20 ‘ No ! ’ said Charles , as he leant , aching , against the wall at the foot of the flight .
21 The Cross leads , carried horizontally on the shoulders of three students , one to each arm , and the other at the foot .
22 She had two policewomen with her , one sitting by her side holding her hand , and the other at the foot of the bed .
23 I 've got an appointment with — ’ he paused to look at the name at the foot of the letter which had been included in his holdall at the station ‘ -K .
24 Dundee started the day at the foot of the Premier League but looked the superior side as the Glasgow club failed to deal with even the simplest cross into the box .
25 The wind and the mist whispered in the grass at the foot of the pole from which I hung .
26 An object held at the top of a tower and sharing with the tower a circular motion around the earth 's centre will continue in that motion , along with the tower , after it is dropped and will consequently strike the ground at the foot of the tower , consistent with experience .
27 Sweep your detector over the ground at the foot of those slopes .
28 Jotan leaned out over the rail and stared at the movement at the foot of the stairs .
29 Although her descent down the steep incline took several minutes , the queue at the foot remained motionless .
30 Almost as if he had willed himself there , he found himself standing on the scree at the foot of the rock wall , staring upwards , searching with the little experience he had gained on school climbing expeditions for footholds .
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