Example sentences of "the [noun sg] cut [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was viewed as the opportunity to cut back on staff costs .
2 From Solva the route cuts back across country to Llanunwas Farm .
3 Some information has necessarily been removed from the dictionary to cut down on storage requirements .
4 She was referred to the town 's main fire station where he met sub-officer John Yoxall and had the bracket cut off with a small hacksaw .
5 ‘ What 's he doing ? ’ she cried , agonized , as the picture cut back to the chairman .
6 The children go into the hall and find a frame with the picture cut out of it ; an empty cash box ; or a desk and chairs overturned , papers strewn all over to give the impression of a ransacked office .
7 There were demands for higher wages , for social reform and for wider access to higher education , yet in 1966 the government felt the need to cut back on spending programmes as the economy moved into a minor recession .
8 The main themes that Bukharin pursued were : ( 1 ) the need to cut down on the excessive unproductive consumption of the state bureaucracy ; and ( 2 ) the need to draw the widest possible strata of the people into the planning process and into controlling the state .
9 And so I would like to discount all this talk about the need to cut down on commuting .
10 Here , the length will have to be marked on the last piece when it is in position and the excess cut off with a hacksaw .
11 It was tight above , with a pale pink " vee " for modesty in the front , and the back cut down to the coccyx , with another little " vee " there too .
12 The meltem cut in at about 1100 , immediately after the Blox returned from the shore in the inflatables , bearing the round loaves ordered the previous night in the tiny restaurant among the ruins .
13 The design is carefully stencilled on to the fabric , then embroidered and the pattern cut out by hand to produce bed linen of the very highest quality .
14 Its backers , which include the government 's British Technology Group , have told the firm to cut back on research and make a profit by next year or face closure .
15 The press was another estate of the realm cut down to size .
16 If a factory chimney dumps smoke on a thousand gardens nearby it may be very expensive to collect 1 from each household to bribe the factory to cut back to the socially efficient amount .
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