Example sentences of "the [noun sg] i mean [art] " in BNC.

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1 No and just have a look at the computer I mean the printer that 's about half a metre long .
2 Do you know the story I mean the parable I mean ?
3 But in a sense I mean I can erm I mean I agree with everything you 've said , erm but er when Murdoch took over the Sun I mean the Sun was selling , at one point was selling about four million copies which is
4 Erm and provide the freebie I mean the the the cages , the giveaway
5 I do n't think the consumer would ev say that and I think sometimes one forgets er people forget the consumer I mean the erm er but obviously by us going onto the Hong Kong route we are going to reduce British Airways and Cathay Pacific 's profits on that route considerably , we we think that because our costs are considerably less than British Airways , and I suspect considerably less than Cathay Pacific , that the player that er could be around in thirty or forty years ' time is Virgin Atlantic .
6 I had them all the week I mean a ladder I mean it 'll cost you that much again
7 or the blue I mean the red 's gone all right .
8 I du n no if you have n't done anything wrong I mean most of the time I mean every time Eleanor 's erm stopped talking to someone it 's always usually erm her misunderstanding something .
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