Example sentences of "the [noun] to bring the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite that success , the playwright had difficulty raising the money to bring the comedy into the West End , although the backer who came up with the all-important £1,000 needed to clinch the deal was able to retire to a South Sea island on his share of the profits .
2 ‘ In Portugal we 've been restricting our developments to Lisbon and the North , ’ Vitor went on , ‘ but recently my board and I made the decision to bring the d'Arcos style to the Algarve . ’
3 The changes had been announced by President Ibrahim Babangida on Aug. 27 , when he said that the decision to bring the number of states to 30 was based on " social justice , the principle of development and the principle of a balanced federation " .
4 But with the backing of Paddy Ashdown and his Liberal Democrats , including Liverpool Mossley Hill MP David Alton , the Government won the vote to bring the Maastricht Bill back to the Commons by 319 votes to 316 .
5 Coun Peter Jones ( Con ) said it was madness to use Labour candidate Alan Milburn in the attempt to bring the company to the town .
6 The New Economic Policy also has a more unusual aspect : the attempt to bring the coca-dollars into circulation .
7 At last someone has had the nerve to bring the area in line with the rest of British climbing : no longer will it be a quiet backwater resigned to a few lines in the climbing press about some brilliant new VDiff on a puny little crag in the back of beyond .
8 IN THE 1970s everyone seemed to be worried about the dangers of work : Jeanne Stellman and Susan Daum , with Work is Dangerous for your Health , and Patrick Kinnersley , with The Hazards of Work , were among the authors to bring the problems to our attention .
9 The negotiations to prepare for Rio reflect the continuing attempt by the South to bring the North to the table to overcome over four decades of neglect on the growth and development of the South …
10 ‘ I just think more people in the media should take the initiative to bring the public 's attention to these problems , ’ Dmitry finally exclaims. ‘ that 's what the media 's for .
11 Ward waved him back to his seat and called to the waiter to bring the coffee .
12 Oswiu 's decision at Whitby in favour of the Roman Easter indicates an appreciation of the need to bring the Church among the northern Angles into some degree of greater conformity with the Church of Rome , though he evidently envisaged a relatively slow process of accommodation to Catholic requirements under the Irish Tuda as the new bishop of Lindisfarne .
13 Perhaps the clearest demonstration of the need to conceal and the compulsion to reveal , the need to bring the always-denied and never-happening into the light of day , was seen in North 's attitude towards the diversion of funds .
14 This relaxation , combined with a turn of the hips to bring the shoulders into alignment , gives maximum power to the strike .
15 They called on the UN to bring the conflict in Yugoslavia to an " immediate end " and to defend the territorial integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina .
16 If not , does he have the firepower to bring the curtain down on the champ shortly after the fight 's sundown beginnings ?
17 He told himself that he should go right now and plant the explosives to bring the tunnel down , but the Doctor 's curiosity was one of his strongest features .
18 Finally we were allowed to shuffle in , pair by pair , with the other animals , paid our money at the one-person-only box-office , and spent the remains on hot snacks from the kiosk to bring the blood back to our frozen digits .
19 18–1–1915 The Session had under consideration the question of the running of the public motor bus for pleasure on the Sabbath Day on certain occasions last summer , and the probability that such facilities may be increased this year , and instructed the Moderator to bring the matter to the notice of the Presbytery , with a View to the Presbytery taking such action as they may deem advisable to prevent such encroachment of the Lord 's Day .
20 But the desertion of a part of the crew is to be considered an emergency of the voyage as much as their death ; and those who remain are bound by the terms of their original contract to exert themselves to the utmost to bring the ship in safety to her destined port .
21 Llansantffraid boss Graham Breeze paid tribute to the band of helpers who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring the ground up to scratch .
22 There was no proclamation of the word to bring the Brahmin woman to belief And there was no human messenger to tell her about Jesus , though the part played by the Christian outcast crossing sweeper was of the utmost importance .
23 Fitzjohn then took part in the siege of Rochester ( 17 April ) before being knighted in London ( 4 May ) , just before Montfort marched out of the city to bring the king 's army to battle .
24 After that I shall move the resolution to bring the motion forward .
25 He seated himself in a chair and Emily paused for a moment , she could hardly ask the maid to bring the girl into the drawing-room where Spencer would be listening to every word .
26 ‘ Hopefully we will have some good news about the television contract , ’ said Cllr Peter Price , the council 's deputy leader and the man behind the project to bring the Games to Sheffield .
27 On 31 October 1936 armed Nazis attacked a Polish home at Schönbrun , near Danzig , and Marian Chodacki , the Polish Commissioner General in Danzig , had to intervene to try and get the police to bring the trouble-makers to court .
28 They accepted the right of the vigilantes to bring the charges , to make the decision and to pronounce the sentence .
29 The right politician must be put in charge of the Treasury to bring the economy back to even keel , reduce the trade deficit and force both inflation and interest rates down in time for the next election .
30 A second later a tall , broad-shouldered figure threw open the rear door — clearly too impatient to wait for the chauffeur to bring the vehicle to a halt .
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