Example sentences of "the [noun] hang over the " in BNC.

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1 The peaks surrounding glacier-dominated Saas Fee may be less distinguished , but the ice-falls of the Feegletscher hanging over the village are in their way just as striking .
2 Outside the smell from the brewery hung over the town , stifling as a warm pillow , making it difficult to breathe .
3 Next morning , painful rays of sunlight somehow filtered through the haze hanging over the city .
4 He saw the ball hanging over the flag and let the club slide down through his hands , a sure sign that a pro likes his shot .
5 They had a crudely-carved , regular look about them , so that on this crisp autumn morning the Wyrmberg hung over the clouds like a giant 's dovecote .
6 High above me was the narrow gash of Attermire Cave and the craggy outcrop of the scar hanging over the valley like a wave of stone about to break .
7 After a while I could see dimly by the light filtering through the sacking hung over the two narrow slits which are the Bunker 's only windows .
8 Overall confidence is down because of the gloom hanging over the banking sector .
9 But the house hanging over the cliff got me into agonies of suspense , and I was amazed , when the dark came without bombs , by how the black on the screen , especially the black of Charlie Chaplin 's suit , his moustache , hat and rolling intense eyes , fitted the darkness of the little cinema .
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