Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [verb] little [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This pull has little effect on the land but is strong enough to move the waters .
2 Nowadays they may be esteemed by their peers who know something of their work , but this esteem has little currency value in the committee-rooms where performance is appraised .
3 This question had little significance and was relevant only to the part-time farmers as most family farmers said they did not take holidays .
4 The wars of this period presented little opportunity to shock troops fighting on horseback .
5 The official price of gold was increased to $ 38 an ounce , but this move had little significance since the dollar was no longer officially convertible into gold .
6 From a practical standpoint , however , this distinction makes little difference .
7 Their small numbers and low profile , combined with a ‘ hippie ’ ethos of ‘ peace and love ’ to which crimes involving the burglary of people 's homes and violence against the person are anathema , meant that this group had little impact on the community as a whole .
8 Laura was often to be seen with a heavyweight nineteenth-century French novel in her hands , but this pursuit held little appeal for Bernard .
9 This policy found little favor with the Pentagon which has said that maintaining these bases , for at least another 20 years , is a central priority in a new military doctrine , publicized under the title ‘ Discriminate Deterrence ’ .
10 As the literature on interest groups suggests , those without formal political policy-making authority may be highly influential in policy-making , while those endowed with this authority have little power .
11 This scale provides little evidence of increased rates of psycho-social disturbance among the older age groups ( see Table 5.8 ) .
12 This operation has little effect on day-to-day behaviour , although it is not completely without consequences .
13 It has a vertical shaft and a horizontal wheel with inclined wooden blades , and though this system generates little power , it is sufficient to drive a pair of millstones , turning the upper of the two stones as in conventional mills .
14 This system has little impact on English local history , except in those cases where Anglo-Norman magnates retained interests in France which bore a relation to their holdings in England .
15 All this activity left little time for photography but , even after returning to the States to continue his work for the FSA , Delano never lost sight of the fact that his introduction to Puerto Rico had been through a camera .
16 Nylon should be avoided as this material provides little water resistance and can cause the most appalling injuries in the case of fire .
17 In Fig. 4 this region contains little gas .
18 This stage takes little time after pauses , L1 originals , and the resource person 's voicings have been edited out .
19 One can note that this rotation has little effect on the orientation of the adjacent phosphate .
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