Example sentences of "are willing [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the spring , talk of invasion was on everyone 's lips ; those who could help to fund the new military force did so , while others , providing they were householders or ‘ such other Persons as shall be recommended by two Householders ’ , were invited to enlist at the George Inn , ‘ … where such persons as are willing to join the Frome Selwood Volunteers , either cavalry or infantry , are requested to attend and sign their names ’ .
2 And friends like yourself who are willing to give a child somewhere the gift of life and hope .
3 Places are not restricted to locals ; students who are willing to undertake a journey many still be successful in gaining entry on to this stimulating and imaginative course .
4 It is a good idea to check with your chosen executor(s) that they are willing to undertake the task .
5 ‘ A lot of people are obviously going to be disappointed , but others who are willing to take a chance right up until the match may be lucky to get their hands on a ticket . ’
6 A more critical international audience will be watching to learn whether Krens and his powerful curatorial team are willing to take a lead in the current debate surrounding contemporary art .
7 But companies that are willing to take the time to lay this solid foundation will gain the edge in the long run .
8 We say , ‘ What right have you to refuse if we are willing to take the risk ? ’ ’
9 The operation is illegal in India , but there are several doctors who , for a fee , are willing to take the risk .
10 We are creating the first annual Hall of Shame to show that personalities are willing to take the plaudits , but do not seem too willing to accept the responsibilities that go with their positions .
11 It would seem that Parliament 's legal power has been limited only if : ( a ) community law is seen as a higher system of law ; and ( b ) our courts are willing to uphold the supremacy of community law .
12 If price is thought to be a significant factor in the product 's success , then the manufacturer should only deal with distributors who are willing to agree a mark-up and selling price with the manufacturer .
13 This is rational behaviour only if speculators are risk-neutral and are willing to accommodate the demands of hedgers without additional compensation in the form of a risk premium in excess of the risk-free rate .
14 Very few Serbian leaders are willing to extend the concept of ‘ brotherhood and unity ’ to the Albanians in their midst .
15 As with all regulations , there are a few on the fringe who are willing to exploit the weaknesses of planning authorities or , in this case , the inherent difficulty they have in using their powers quickly and effectively .
16 Placements are most successful when the policy-makers and professionals involved have a positive attitude to exploring integrated care and are willing to support the care-givers and the parents .
17 The Firm will normally act in agreed bids ie where the target 's board and Financial advisers are willing to recommend the terms of the offer .
18 This involves keeping one concession in reserve to use as the final push towards agreement : ‘ If you are willing to place an order now , I 'm willing to offer an extra 2½ per cent discount . ’
19 [ Surveyors ] are willing to discuss the development potential considerations relating to the principal properties and sites .
20 In particular there is anecdotal evidence to show that they are willing to expose the faults of other companies , including those that buy advertising space in the paper .
21 I am delighted to see that the Government are willing to introduce a timetable motion at the start of Second Reading .
22 More areas are included in the map where the user is willing to be wrong 10 times out of 100 , but far fewer in that which they are willing to run the risk of being wrong once in a hundred times ; a comparison of the 90 and 99 per cent maps will make this clear ( figs 6.5a and f ) .
23 Secondly , the courts have however emphasised that tribunals possess a discretion as to whether to allow such representation , and are willing to review the manner in which the discretion is exercised .
24 I think we tend to forget that we are willing to trust the Lord Chancellor and the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , who in recent years has most usually doubled as the Chairman of the Conservative Party a very dubious appointment no doubt in the minds of many er of er your Lordships House .
25 The paradigm example to remind us of the conventionality of the relationship between meanings and perceptions is the case of expressions for colour , and this holds good even if we are willing to accept a case for the universality of certain focal points of colour perception . )
26 If initially money wages and prices were rising at 10% per annum , insiders attempt to reach point B by restricting their money wage claims to , say , 5% per annum , that is , they are willing to accept a 5% cut in real wages .
27 If you are willing to accept the default page breaks
28 But , even if you are willing to accept the connection , do you fully understand it ?
29 The referendum shows that , for a while at least , many Russians are willing to bear the pain of transition .
30 Today , fruit and vegetables are available every month of the year , if we are willing to pay the price of importing and employing the latest methods of food preservation .
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