Example sentences of "are working [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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2 The union , and that means the general committee elected by the club as well as the professional staff appointed by the committee , are working for the benefit of everyone involved in the game in Wales .
3 The researchers are working for the Frog Mortality Project , set up last year amidst reports of rapid and inexplicable declines in amphibian numbers worldwide [ see EDs 72/73 ; 51 ; 49 ; 47 ; 44 ] .
4 To return to more mundane editing procedures , if you are working without the help of an automatic edit controller , you can improve the accuracy of your manual edits by making allowance for the backspace time on the record VCR .
5 And what about overtime on Sa I mean at the moment some of them are working during the week and Saturdays and they need that to maintain the sort of service level that we 're doing at the moment .
6 And if , and this is not a theoretical point , it 's happened in another union , if the majority or a large number of people in that sector , on that committee are not working or have not recently worked in the sector , then tensions will begin to arise , concerning those members who are working at the moment , and say hey , hold on a minute , perhaps people working in the industry should make these hard decisions .
7 They are working on the software layers taking a network-centric view that embraces nodes that are sometimes disconnected .
8 Because the Arts Council are working on the parity funding principle , local theatres , who are dependent on local government subsidy , are now losing out doubly because local funding has dropped ; therefore the parity funding drops .
9 Only five officers from the fraud squad of London 's Metropolitan Police are working on the case .
10 60 detectives are working on the case and they 've eliminated from their enquiries a man arrested and held overnight .
11 35 officrs are working on the case .
12 Unless you are working on the switchboard or reception , you should also state your name .
13 ‘ But we are working on the idea of a monthly publication , probably starting in May , to act as a kind of bulletin to keep supporters in touch with what is happening , ’ he said .
14 If you are working on the floor , sit cross-legged if possible or kneel on a mat .
15 Coun Jim Skinner , chairman of the transport committee , said : ‘ Our officers are working on the situation , but there are problems with that car park .
16 Detectives are working on the theory that the bags had been there for some time .
17 A spokesman said : ‘ We are working on the theory the motive was robbery or sex or both .
18 Detectives working on the case are working on the theory that they died of hypothermia or suffocation or a combination of both .
19 Detectives are working on the theory that he could have arrived home to find his flat in Bisley Court , Darlington , being ransacked and paid the ultimate price .
20 Detectives are working on the theory that a rogue loner , rather than a terrorist cell , is responsible .
21 They also come into the works voluntarily on Sunday mornings to assist the ERPS team who are working on the locomotive .
22 More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology , many of them attempting to update old designs to work with modern engines .
23 We are working on the basis of defence policy arranged by the Treasury in which case there must be a whole-hearted defence review .
24 HIL are working on the project with Volvo , which will provide all the running gear .
25 About 200 scientists are working on the project which is hoping to develop an alternative energy source which would use nuclear fusion .
26 The children aged four-and-a-half to seven are working with the Construction Curriculum Centre based at the town 's College of Technology .
27 And , of course , we are arranging to brief Treasury people , who will automatically be opposed to giving away public money ; and we are working with the company on a memorandum on what assistance to Huerter would do to Barton , with a two-page bullet-point summary .
28 The new products will still be available on other platforms — HP and DEC , for instance , are working with the company in other areas — but IBM UK and DG will be the first to offer commercial ports of Medley some time next year .
29 We believe we are close to this point and we are working with the Ministry of Defence to obtain true value for money by providing a secure future workload . ’
30 A number of proposals are being worked on by housing associations , by voluntary housing bodies , by the Royal British Legion and by the Soldiers ' , Sailors ' and Airmen 's Families Association , which are working with the Confederation of British Industry , the Institute of Directors and the Department of Employment on a whole range of opportunities .
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