Example sentences of "by either [noun] or [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a huge variety available , powered by either petrol or electricity , ranging from lightweight 30-cm-wide models to mini-tractors you can sit on .
2 KPMG and Client reserve the right to terminate KPMG 's engagement hereunder at any time and without liability or continuing obligation to each other save that termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to rights accrued and obligations incurred by either KPMG or Client prior to such date and shall not affect the indemnification in section 4 , or Client 's obligation under sections 2 and 3 .
3 The new king , 22 when he ascended the throne , had studied fortification in the schoolroom , but he was not , by either temperament or training , a soldier .
4 A thrombus contains both fibrin-rich and platelet-rich material , and targeting of plasminogen activators could be achieved by either antifibrin or antiplatelet monoclonal antibodies .
5 These authorities indicate plainly enough that the agreement in the present case did not create a lease and that the tenancy from year to year enjoyed by the tenant as a result of entering into possession and paying a yearly rent can be determined by six months ' notice by either landlord or tenant .
6 Aquinas himself saw no finality in the solutions offered by either Aristotle or Ptolemy to the problems of planetary motion .
7 Hence the possibility of saying , when neither speaker nor addressee is at home : ( 83 ) I came over several times to visit you , but you were never there So we must append another clause to our gloss , namely : " or motion towards the home-base maintained at CT by either speaker or addressee " .
8 Detection of H pylori by either histology or culture was considered as indicative of active infection in the duodenum .
9 Bidirectional transcription footprinting has been used to probe the platination of DNA by cisplatin , and to examine the modulation of these interactions by ( a ) cyclisation of the non-reactive amino group by either ethyl or propyl groups , and ( b ) the further addition of a pendant intercalator ( 9-amino acridine ) linked by either phenylethyl or phenylpentyl groups .
10 You can pay by either cash or cheque ( with a valid banker 's card ) .
11 In most cases the range of services is provided by either County or District but in respect of some services responsibility is split or shared .
12 These results show that intestinal pseudo-obstruction in patients with amyloidosis is caused by either myopathy or neuropathy , and that chemical types of amyloid may determine which of the two factors has the dominant affect on the bowel function .
13 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
14 Autodefrost is controlled by either time or weight .
15 Bidirectional transcription footprinting has been used to probe the platination of DNA by cisplatin , and to examine the modulation of these interactions by ( a ) cyclisation of the non-reactive amino group by either ethyl or propyl groups , and ( b ) the further addition of a pendant intercalator ( 9-amino acridine ) linked by either phenylethyl or phenylpentyl groups .
16 There was no attempt by either Salisbury or Kilmuir to use what one might call a prefect 's influence on the opinion of those they interviewed .
17 Many of these people were conservative by either party or inclination — or both .
18 cancellation by either client or hotel ;
19 Waltham Forest health authority , which includes Mr Norman Tebbit 's Chingford constituency , in Essex , has become the second health authority to call for an end to the dispute by either negotiation or arbitration .
20 The range of essentially economic issues revealed by the ensuing debate was such that it was almost impossible to conceive of the solution being affected by either brigade or club .
21 In the budget of 1992 it was announced that from 1993/4 onwards any extra married allowance can be claimed in its entirety by either husband or wife , or it can be shared equally between them , thus making the tax system fairer to married women .
22 It can be shown that high levels of social security contributions , by either employer or employee , need have no effect upon competitiveness .
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