Example sentences of "at seven [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cars were rare on their track , especially at seven o'clock in the morning .
2 At seven o'clock in the evening , a time Clarke judged opportune , he and his fellow-officers burst into the brothers ' bedroom .
3 For at seven o'clock in the morning of 20 August in that year , the inscription has it , just as the citadel was about to fall to the besiegers , a white cross was seen in the sky ‘ above and to the right of the town ’ , which then became a crucifix whose crown turned encouragingly ( for the French ) into a royal fleur-de-lis .
4 Lying there at seven o'clock in the morning , suddenly wide awake , as was her manner , it seemed to her quite obvious that she and Charles should get divorced : it had surely long been inevitable , and if Charles really wanted to marry that woman ( or had he perhaps been joking ? — no , perhaps not ) , well then , let him .
5 Phoned my mum up , she said you can come down here and have a bath say at seven o'clock in the morning , she says yeah !
6 I 'm booked tomorrow because I 'm going to Blackbush at seven o'clock in the morning
7 All self-employed means is that if you want to you can get up at seven o'clock in the morning and start work at half past seven , and work right through till eleven o'clock at night .
8 Many of us are in here at seven o'clock in the morning because that is noon time over there and so we only have about half a day to work together .
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