Example sentences of "at least [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But many commentators saw only a decline in the desire to rear or look after children , a weakening of the cohesive effects of the family , and an associated diminution of the buoyancy of the stock in terms familiar at least since the Boer War .
2 It appears never to have remained sufficiently constant to enable benches more than a few kilometres wide to form , at least since the beginning of the Pleistocene period .
3 Kangaroos happened to exploit two-legged hopping , and so ended up with their own uniquely ( at least since the dinosaurs ) massive hind legs and tail .
4 It had never yet had as its leader someone who represented one of the more extreme parties in the Church — never at least since the days of Archbishop Laud which ended in the archbishop 's head being cut off .
5 It is true that preoccupation with theoretical accounts of phenomena of all kinds is characteristic of German culture at least since the days of Leibnitz at the beginning of the eighteenth century , but in this instance there is a more specific reason .
6 His reward came in July 1655 when Carvajal and his two sons were endenizened , thus making him the first English Jew , at least since the expulsion in 1290 .
7 Heath was attempting to break with the politics of accommodation , the ‘ triangular system ’ of government/union/employer consultation which had been growing up at least since the war .
8 What Marx was trying to do in constructing the Asiatic system was to reconcile , on the one hand the reports of the strength of the village communities which characterized many of the accounts of Asian villages and which was manifested in their apparent ability to act organically , for example in the close co-operation and mutual reasonableness required in irrigated agriculture , and , on the other hand , a traditional view of the despotism of oriental rulers , a view which dominated European pictures of the Orient , at least since the time of Montesquieu .
9 The last mill these waters powered was Awre Corn Mill , an old site in use at least since the time of the Domesday Survey , having reputedly belonged to Edward the Confessor .
10 Yet , as we shall see , this has been by far the most prevalent trend in terms of legislation , at least since the start of the 1970s .
11 Working for ICI enabled him to join their club at Norton Hall where a single croquet lawn has been in existence and played on at least since the end of the 1939–45 War .
12 After three years of groping in the dark they have emerged not quite into sparkling sunshine but at least into the hint of a new dawn .
13 These were the two sides of the same coin which I referred to at the beginning of this essay , the nature — culture opposition and the particular characterizations and choice of emphases here explored being one explanation for the apparent gender differentials in blood within Jewish ritual practice , and one link at least between the rite of circumcision and menstrual taboo .
14 But we should distinguish at least between the meaning of an utterance and what the utterer meant by it .
15 The impression one gets is that , in the past , every student relied on income support , at least over the summer period .
16 This duality between solidity and beauty thus expressed a sharp division between the material and the ideal , the bodily and the spiritual , highly typical of the bourgeois world ; yet spirit and ideal in it depended on matter , and could be expressed only through matter , or at least through the money which could buy it .
17 Fasciclin III is normally expressed at the NMJ at least through the end of embryogenesis .
18 As a result , at least off the track and in business , he had about him only sycophants .
19 Such a mode of subsistence demands that the population be relatively sparsely dispersed , at least during the daytime while foraging is going on .
20 Her freehold and copyhold land , it is true , remained her own ; but the husband had the enjoyment of it at least during the continuance of the marriage .
21 And there are enough fragments in the Gospels — the baptism in the Jordan , for instance , and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem — to indicate that Jesus did indeed enjoy that title , at least during the years of his ministry .
22 Undoubtedly the BLR&DD , by its injection of substantial funding into the UK scene , has stimulated considerable activity and interest in particular areas of user education , at least during the term of funding of the projects .
23 The bed was necessary , because Lewis intended to sleep in the College , at least during the week in term-time .
24 We want the E E C to enforce laws at least along the lines imposed by the U S A after the Exxon Valdez disaster .
25 My uncle worships alone these days , and has done ever since his son left home to become a devout Capitalist ( neither his wife nor his daughter had ever bothered with my Uncle 's unique brand of condemnationist Christianity ; as a rule , the McHoan women , whether so by blood or marriage , have displayed a marked reluctance to take their men-folk 's passions seriously , at least outside the bedroom ) .
26 Such passages ( at least outside the Constitution on the Liturgy ) are remarkably rare , but there are a few which called for and obtained almost immediate implementation in a way that introduced significant new dimensions into Church life .
27 Now of course all this is fascinating in its own way , and it no doubt leads us at least onto the fringes of an entertaining piece of social history .
28 The trains on the Jubilee Line , at least beyond the confines of inner London , are seldom crowded at midday during the week .
29 All this can be put on a quantitative basis and doing so results in the celebrated condition written unc that is , the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum is always at least of the order of magnitude of Planck 's constant .
30 For a British army encamped on ancient Carthaginian ground , it was perhaps natural to enjoy without too many qualms some at least of the diversions which Livy suggested had got the better of the Carthaginians .
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