Example sentences of "at the [adj -est] possible [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All professionals will have , as an objective , the desire to provide a service to their client at the highest possible standard using whatever resources may be required .
2 The aim to teach and carry out research at the highest possible level in the University 's mission statement is key to the future successful development of the University .
3 We have a mission to widen access to higher education and to teach and research at the highest possible level .
4 They make a sudden darting movement at the highest possible speed and then quickly freeze , staying quite still in the undergrowth .
5 This trial shows yet again the danger that work with vulnerable children , particularly in residential homes , may attract the very people who should be kept at the greatest possible distance from it .
6 Once you have picked up a signal you concentrate in that area until the signal is received at the greatest possible volume .
7 If you stepped out of line , then look out , but you quickly learned to do as you were told at the greatest possible speed .
8 His need was to exist , and to move onwards at the greatest possible risk , and with a maximum of privation .
9 From the early years following the introduction of the 1924 Regulations , experience showed that the net income derived from grant-aid , coupled with the District 's policy of setting its student fees at the lowest possible level to encourage enrolments , failed to lead to financial self-sufficiency and the District 's financial difficulties , although eased initially , were not eradicated .
10 Thus , if the whole internal process were slowed down enormously , one could actually see a representation of each command executed by the machine at the lowest possible level of representation .
11 The aim is to find the most stable balance achievable , at the lowest possible level .
12 I make no bones about believing that this should always be at the lowest possible level , making me an enthusiastic decentraliser and a sceptical centraliser — whether to Whitehall and Brussels , or Westminster and Strasbourg .
13 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
14 That continued with some effort for the next twenty-five years , when I had the good fortune to be introduced to Lady Collins , who had inspired a succession of what was eventually called Fount Books , some reprints of more expensive books , some specially written for her series , both varieties being published in paperback , at the lowest possible price .
15 This holds that through their actions in the market consumers oblige companies to produce the goods they require in the largest quantities at the lowest possible price .
16 He 's known to be self-opinionated , tenacious , a despiser of ‘ corporate bullshit ’ ( a favourite catchphrase is ‘ There are no Misters in this company ’ ) and a believer in the absolute rightness of making the best possible product at the lowest possible price .
17 He 's known to be self-opinionated , tenacious , a despiser of ‘ corporate bullshit ’ ( a favourite catchphrase is ‘ There are no Misters in this company ’ ) and a believer in the absolute rightness of making the best possible product at the lowest possible price .
18 Today 's highly competitive business world requires a great deal of capital at the lowest possible cost .
19 Borrowers generally require guaranteed funds for longer periods of time at the lowest possible cost .
20 They have clients who wish to sell certain products and services and their task is to enable their clients to reach as many potential customers as possible and at the lowest possible cost .
21 Miss Probst points out that the law gives the private sector a strong incentive to clean up at the lowest possible cost .
22 It aims to help participants to find the most effective way of publishing literature with the best visual impact at the lowest possible cost .
23 The role of the Lord Steward was to provide the utmost royal magnificence at the lowest possible cost .
24 Thus , even on the unrealistic assumption that consumers acting through the market are able to force managements to produce at the lowest possible cost , companies nevertheless retain a discretion within that constraint over such issues as plant location , appropriate levels of automation , and policy on research and development , since these and other delegated questions do not yield unique least-cost solutions .
25 It will be assumed for present purposes that society 's wealth is maximised when production takes place at the lowest possible cost , thus avoiding the waste of scarce resources ( the goal of ‘ productive efficiency ’ is satisfied ) , and goods and services are produced in the quantities and are of the quality demanded by consumers ( the goal of ‘ allocative efficiency ’ is satisfied ) .
26 Both want to do this at the lowest possible cost .
27 The Prism encoder enables its output to be optimised for a particular target decoder design to maximise image quality at the lowest possible bit rate so that a video-on-demand service provider can minimise central disk storage and maximise use of the available system bandwidth .
28 After all , the first two merely restate the assumptions made earlier in Chapter 2 that investors prefer a higher expected return at the lowest possible risk .
29 Building societies are legally obliged to sell repossessed properties at the best possible price .
30 The smooth-phrased B.B.C. announcer , the amusing don , the self-confident politician , the jargon-perfect critic , the editor of the literary magazine — all are reducible within a few months to a bewildered defensive creature with hollow cheeks and desperate eyes whose only cares will be to see that he gets his fair share of the potato ration , that nobody steals his bed boards , and that he exchanges his cigarette ends for food or vice versa at the best possible price .
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