Example sentences of "at the [adj -est] [adj] price " in BNC.

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1 That continued with some effort for the next twenty-five years , when I had the good fortune to be introduced to Lady Collins , who had inspired a succession of what was eventually called Fount Books , some reprints of more expensive books , some specially written for her series , both varieties being published in paperback , at the lowest possible price .
2 This holds that through their actions in the market consumers oblige companies to produce the goods they require in the largest quantities at the lowest possible price .
3 He 's known to be self-opinionated , tenacious , a despiser of ‘ corporate bullshit ’ ( a favourite catchphrase is ‘ There are no Misters in this company ’ ) and a believer in the absolute rightness of making the best possible product at the lowest possible price .
4 He 's known to be self-opinionated , tenacious , a despiser of ‘ corporate bullshit ’ ( a favourite catchphrase is ‘ There are no Misters in this company ’ ) and a believer in the absolute rightness of making the best possible product at the lowest possible price .
5 By pressing the appropriate buttons on their office computers linked to The Exchange 's automated quotations system ( SEAQ ) they can execute their clients ' instructions at the best available price quoted by market-makers in the shares concerned .
6 Building societies are legally obliged to sell repossessed properties at the best possible price .
7 The smooth-phrased B.B.C. announcer , the amusing don , the self-confident politician , the jargon-perfect critic , the editor of the literary magazine — all are reducible within a few months to a bewildered defensive creature with hollow cheeks and desperate eyes whose only cares will be to see that he gets his fair share of the potato ration , that nobody steals his bed boards , and that he exchanges his cigarette ends for food or vice versa at the best possible price .
8 A spokesman for Bradford & Bingley said its 2,000 stock would be sold ‘ at the best possible price to give the evicted owners the best chance of clearing their debts ’ .
9 Does the Minister also accept that , in considering agriculture , it is crucial to bear in mind the responsibility of all involved in the food chain , from production to consumption , to ensure that at all times consumers get good , healthy , pure products at the best possible price ?
10 A revitalised electricity industry is crucial to the supply of power to our factories and businesses at the cheapest possible price .
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