Example sentences of "at the [adj] level and " in BNC.

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1 Weekend talk of policy rifts at the highest level and of impending recession , and a perception that the Government is most reluctant to raise interest rates again , caused sterling to collapse to its lowest against the Deutschemark since the celebrated events of March last year .
2 It would be helpful to state this clearly at the highest level and work out a strategy to match the vision .
3 TREVOR FRANCIS spent the whole of his playing career at the highest level and is now making it clear he 's not going to drop those standards as a manager .
4 It is only in such circumstances that I would feel assured that the matter had received consideration at the highest level and that there was no risk that the criminal law would be impeded .
5 He has already sampled success at the highest level and after winning the Celebration Mile at Goodwood last Saturday on Swing Low he has his eyes firmly focused on more Group One events .
6 ‘ Mickey has played at the highest level and he gets the same thing out of the game as he has always done .
7 However , UI chief Peter Cunningham , speaking from the dais , alluded to discussions that were being held at the highest levels and suggested that they were very close to some sort of agreement .
8 It should be added that Freud explicitly admitted that religious phenomena , both at the individual level and at the societal level , are overdetermined , so other factors , such as political and economic changes , could also affect people 's attitudes to religion .
9 The concept is that applicants should be given credit for prior learning whether it is certificated or uncertificated providing it is at the right level and relevant to the qualification being sought .
10 When a team is functioning at the skilful level and achieving these eight hallmarks , it alters the behaviour patterns in various ways .
11 These included weight ( kg ) , height ( cm ) , waist circumference at the umbilical level and hip circumference at the level of the widest symphisis ( cm ) .
12 Under Khrushchev , however , there was a reassessment , and Soviet policy from this time onwards began to seek links of all kinds with the developing nations both at the political level and through trade , investment , arms sales , the training of students and so forth .
13 In other ‘ polygenic ’ diseases , such as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , the HLA system has now been extensively studied at the molecular level and alleles identified which determined both disease susceptibility and restance .
14 Paper rolls for printing are delivered to a 1,200 sq m storage area at the lower level and finished newspapers are packed into bundles and dispatched by lorry from the top level .
15 However , although at the upper levels of society locative and other bynames became surnames and survived from this early period , this was not true at the lower levels and certainly there is no uniformity in the development of surnames .
16 Our policy is to recruit at the lower levels and train those staff who show aptitude for managerial responsibility .
17 Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed .
18 The message Chairman an and er having an idea of , of your second item of urgent business erm it , this perhaps provides the link the important er point that I wanted to emphasise was that the issue of rainfall , the defect on erm the drainage of an area and er water catchment areas and so on , drainage basins is a matter which can only be dealt with at the strategic level and it is therefore of considerable concern to me in view of local government and the questions that is raising about the future of strategic planning could actually make this coordination much more difficult in the future , unless we take steps now to protect the er strategic planning , whatever form local government takes strategic planning itself also needs a degree of
19 It is not appropriate that we have a blanket policy at the strategic level and the need for this particular policy it would seem to me is unproven .
20 The the question mark I 've got is tha is that I I certainly accept that , it 's the it 's the question of the work being done at the appropriate level and the erm , the the fact that two sub teams are working without a complaint examiner , and , but I
21 Regulationists argue that Fordism was part of and was sustained by the United States ' dominance at the international level and the shift to neo-Fordism has coincided with a challenge to the United States ' domination of the international economy .
22 Oates ( 1985 ) , among others , offers some counter-arguments and finds the empirical evidence lacking both at the international level and in the state-local sectors in the USA .
23 But nevertheless it 's im important to remember that this is a survey erm which is conducted at the time of year when most compan or many companies raise their list prices and if one looks at the past sort of record of this survey both at the regional level and the national level , one generally does see a bit of an upturn in the pr in the prices numbers at this time of year because people are raising their list prices erm and once you allow for that erm I think these numbers are er very good in terms of prices trends , very low for the time of year .
24 The result is the present multiplicity of bodies producing confusion both at the administrative level and on the part of the electorate , who are left wondering where and by whom decisions are actually taken .
25 The method of enquiry employed in much of the work within the comparative field proceeds at the empirical level and arrives at more general conclusions through a process of inductive reasoning , or more ad hoc interpretive insights .
26 Its main sections dealt with the government 's approach to the environment ( nationally , at the European level and globally ) , the nature and effects of the greenhouse effect , environmental problems in both rural and urban areas ( especially in relation to land-use matters ) , pollution control and enhancing awareness of environmental matters .
27 Trade associations : many industries have a central organization which may function fairly innocuously , handling public relations at the industry-wide level and organizing conventions , trade fairs , etc .
28 both at the primary level and the secondary level , so what 's coming across is not just er the fact that perhaps Burns was a womanizer , but also as a nationalist and an internationalist
29 The crucial difference between a social democratic view of the state and the one taken here , is that we recognise that the bureaucracy itself is political in the course of exercising its executive powers , particularly in the realm of policy-making at the upper levels and in implementation at the lower levels .
30 Task 40 demonstrates that we do not approach difficult discourse in our own language by starting at the bottom levels and then patiently working our way towards the top and a general understanding of what is being said .
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