Example sentences of "at least for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Students also provide a substantial share of the summer staff taken on by holiday camps , at least for that part of the season which coincides with college vacations .
2 This was rightly interpreted as meaning the abandonment of invasion plans — at least for that year .
3 In this poem we see their shared Jewishness , and the ‘ irreverence ’ ( as some would see it ) they each had for the Tradition — at least for that view of it which some espoused ; we also see a shared disdain for rabbinic ( and priestly ) logic , to them both a form of mental death .
4 The advert does not say ‘ go beyond greed ’ but it leaves you in a place where greed — at least for that moment — is obsolete .
5 As he had already been interviewed four times and been in police custody for over 24 hours , the expectation would be that a solicitor might well consider that , at least for that evening , enough was enough and that he ought to advise his client not to answer further questions … .
6 Probably the basic ideas of democracy — the idea of equal political rights for all ( or at least for all men ) , the idea of a government of the poor or of the people , the idea of turning the traditional social hierarchies upside down — have never been entirely lost sight of among the vast submerged majorities of history .
7 Nothing came of this particular project , not at least for many years , and Clare continued to enjoy the orchises of Royce Wood undisturbed .
8 Later , at least for many years , she was not to see this time as part of her life , and perhaps therefore it need not now be told at length .
9 The ladies of our period of whom we know more than the name were almost always ladies of exceptional character or talent , who force themselves on our notice partly at least for this reason .
10 However , there is evidence that the east-west flow persists beyond where the atmosphere has been observed , at least for some distance : the stability of the east-west winds would be difficult to understand if only the comparatively small mass of atmosphere above the 1 bar level were involved .
11 Part of the reason for this is , again , the way in which women are effectively confined to the home at least for some part of their lives .
12 If , at least for some years afterwards , there was no real war , there was none the less plenty of tension in south-western France .
13 There must be a return to the death penalty , at least for some categories of murder . .
14 It is assumed , moreover , that street life ( at least for some participants ) is not just a meaningless activity undertaken simply to fulfil a void of time and purpose .
15 For ‘ prodigies ’ ( ‘ Mr Binyon 's young prodigies ’ ) surely we ought to read ‘ protégés ’ ; and then it becomes possible to wonder whether the jocularity about bulldogs does n't mark a wistful or resentful sense that Binyon and Sturge Moore ( ‘ old Neptune ’ ) might have done more with their respective protégés than merely set them to sniff and snarl at each other 's heels ; to question whether the two senior writers could not have established themselves — at least for some purposes — as masters of ateliers in which the two young hopefuls might have enrolled as apprentices .
16 Once an imbalance occurs between the number of males waiting to acquire units and the number of units that can be taken over or entered , the system could go into a series of oscillations which would be self-perpetuating , at least for some time .
17 This means that , at least for some listeners , a commercial will be heard many times — but these listeners will be few .
18 Here to stay for at least for another year and to haunt me for the next fifteen .
19 However , at least 80 per cent of such jobs were not lost but were retained at least for another day , many in viable foreign TNCs , and it would not be logical to criticize the whole policy because of setbacks .
20 ‘ Coronation Street and The Smiths go hand in hand in the same way that you could couple Frankie with Brookside — two necessary focal points of each city , at least for those south of the ship canal and the Mersey .
21 Suffice it to say for now that the premises underlying Anisminic are made explicit , at least for those institutions within Lord Diplock 's first category .
22 This radical change of role for marketing led to a major change of organization structure , at least for those organizations that adopted the marketing concept .
23 According to every independent account of social therapy since Newman and his followers started out , it often — at least for those clients deemed likely prospects for active party membership — turns out to be something else : a tool for making isolated , distressed individuals totally dependent on Newman and the party for all sense of self-esteem and community .
24 As in the case of protein profiles , the DNAs of these recombinant viruses revealed no signs of instability , indicating that the triple and quadruple recombinant viruses are stable at least for several passages .
25 You are much more likely to go for old pine , or oak , tough lacquer or vinyl — at least for several years , but there is no reason why these can not work just as well and create a feeling of their own .
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