Example sentences of "at least to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eurotunnel 's only hope seems to lie in satisfying the banks ' technical adviser that his forecast can be reduced — which means at least to the contractors ' £7.5bn , if not to Eurotunnel 's own £7bn estimate .
2 The success experienced among the eastern Angles with the conversion of Eorpwald may have been due in part at least to the influence of older patterns established by missionaries in the time of Raedwald , but nevertheless it testifies to Eadwine 's real influence in the East Anglian area at this time .
3 Our society pays lip-service at least to the idea of imagination in that the word " imaginative " is normally regarded as a compliment — the opposite of " dull " .
4 If you leave school at 16 the training should be at least to the standard of YTS .
5 Contents are at least to the fore .
6 Up to , you know , few hours where we 've been together , he 'll actually be prepared or at least to the rest of us , who the hell he 's talking about .
7 Escort the interviewee at least to the door , again the behaviour at the parting point can be significant .
8 Species superficially resembling Terebratula maxima may be found all over the world in rocks going back at least to the Jurassic period .
9 To attempt to confine the disqualification to ‘ true ’ episcopal ordination takes the argument back at least to the Reformation and perhaps to St. Peter .
10 According to the Financial Times , such a move represented an attempt to create a " two-speed " CIS , with states like Ukraine , which wished to go ahead in the near future with the introduction of its own currency , " pushed at least to the edge of the CIS , if not out of it entirely " .
11 A similarly failed road , at least to the west of Bicester , is the Roman Akeman Street which is only used as a modern road in short sections .
12 A person can become a Christian for all sorts of reasons , but it is vital for Christianity if it is true , that he think through his faith afterwards to the point where he understands why he believes — at least to the level at which his mind demands satisfaction in understanding other areas of life .
13 At least to the Goldsmiths , £10 seemed adequate : as late as 1597 , when John Fox founded a free Grammar School at Deane in Cumberland after the examples of Stockport and Cromer , the Master 's salary was fixed at the same £10 .
14 Despite the inherent difficulties of determining this in advance ( at least to the satisfaction of the public and the local amenity societies ) it is nevertheless a fact that some 80 per cent of all applications are granted , and that many of these are simple and straightforward .
15 The wish to discern a framework for the Earth itself is something which dates back at least to the time of Ptolemy .
16 Evidence of Dalmatians ( whom the Italians called Schiavone or Slavs ) working in Italy goes back at least to the time of Radovan .
17 The roots of Serbian nationalism go back at least to the Empire of Stevan Dušan in the fourteenth century .
18 The unicameral National Assembly , each of whose 90 directly elected members has an alternate representative , is elected for a six-year term by a system of proportional representation ; it also contains those unelected candidates who have received nationally in the presidential and vice-presidential elections votes equivalent at least to the average of the winning percentages in the National Assembly elections in each regional electoral district , currently bringing the total number of representatives to 92 .
19 With the girl 's clothes we should be able to trace her back at least to the point at which she was dropped during the night — or I hope so , after all that rain .
20 Relationship difficulty begets sexual difficulty , sexual difficulty begets relationship problems and so , very often , ad infinitum or at least to the point of marital termination .
21 It must be said that continental discussions of some of these ideas read rather strangely , at least to the authors of this book .
22 Perhaps this is the mode of transgression denied to the hermaphrodite , at least to the extent that s/he is associated with the mythological , the presocial , the transcendent .
23 This , as argued here before , is the one question capable of splitting the Tory Party , at least to the extent of creating factions with a passionate attachment to their prejudices , and no great reluctance to insist on them even at the cost of deep party division .
24 This does not gainsay the fundamental proposition that it is every citizen 's duty to retain self-control — at least to the extent of not violating other people 's interests — but it does open the way to a manslaughter verdict and to sentences which are rarely longer than eight years ' imprisonment ( less than half as long as the time served by many convicted of murder ) and may be considerably shorter .
25 For this time there were others who shared in that dream , at least to the extent of wanting friendship between England and Scotland .
26 In one case in 1944 , Scott LJ stated that the ‘ British principle of personal freedom , that every man should be presumed innocent until he is proved guilty , applies also to the police function of arrest — in a very modified degree , it is true , but at least to the extent of requiring them to be observant , receptive and open-minded and to notice any relevant circumstance which points either way , either to innocence or to guilt ’ .
27 But the records suggest that the hard school of child rearing prevailed , at least to the extent that there was not too much sympathy for youngsters who were not entirely happy with their foster parents .
28 Acts of the old Scottish Parliament were apparently ( although this has been questioned ) subject to the doctrine of desuetude and that Parliament was thus not sovereign at least to the extent that its Acts could lose force otherwise than by repeal by it .
29 The UK and the USA are technically correct in indicating that this protocol does not apply to nuclear weapons — at least to the extent that this has been their clearly declared position throughout the negotiations , and the International Committee of the Red Cross had accepted that the negotiations did not deal with atomic , biological and chemical warfare ( Collier , 1979 , pp. 21–32 ) .
30 And finally , the professional " student " of English is actually elevated above authors , at least to the extent that hindsight ( like death ) enables not only the making of a complete and final assessment , but also the development of a historical understanding which was beyond the comprehension of the historical actors themselves .
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