Example sentences of "at least [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Last week , John Wright , another CEGB witness , warned that it would be at least another decade before the board would be able to assess the potential of renewable and alternative energy sources .
2 There are several simple repairs you can carry out to keep your existing windows in good working order , and so save yourself a massive bill for replacements for at least another year or so .
3 With no product launches scheduled for at least another year or so , Sun says , it is interested in using ATM for multimedia networks and distributed processing environments .
4 However , despite the mortality of L3 on the pasture it now seems that many survive in the soil for at least another year and on occasion appear to migrate on to the herbage .
5 The upper school were remaining but it would be at least another week before he 'd have to return .
6 The team concluded that " distances from engineered crops to compatible weeds must be at least several kilometres for spatial isolation to prevent the escape of engineered genes " .
7 ‘ Perhaps , at least several hours before he was killed . ’
8 HP 's decision on Destiny was made despite its awareness that Unix , key to its own strategy , needs greater ‘ uniformity , ’ or at least less fragmentation than it has currently garnered , to succeed in any big way .
9 Most street sellers will drop to at least half price if you shout and wave as much as them .
10 At least this possibility and the sporadic occurrence of English metalwork on the Continent point to the areas to which goods were moving , whatever the basis for the exchange and its volume .
11 I 'd I 'd like you to write letters for me at least this week cos I 'm going to be
12 The Colobinae are a group of monkeys with sacculated stomachs with associated bacteria and flagellates , and they show the best adaptations to leaf eating , allowing the use of coriaceous leaves , though all species eat at least some fruit and seeds .
13 However , journeys for information and for social contacts form a substantial part of daily activity for all people , and the telephone could become a substitute for at least some journeys and reduce the need for direct personal contact .
14 It is the belief of at least some hypnotherapists that the inability of some patients to be hypnotized is due to their subconscious fear that they will be unable to cope with what may come up and that they might go to pieces .
15 They might get at least some credit if they were seen to be laying better long-term foundations for the economy .
16 It will be shown how conclusions based upon the analytical economic framework may need at least some qualification when these other matters are brought into account .
17 Marryat 's readers would bring at least some associations and some understanding to this piece of special pleading .
18 In 1971 the Shah was also celebrating his own thirtieth anniversary on the throne , and the tenth anniversary of his reform programme , which he called the White Revolution , and which was supposed to introduce land reform , increase literacy , enfranchise women , modernize industry and the infrastructure , redistribute at least some wealth and lessen the power of the Muslim clergy , the mullahs .
19 Awareness of environment may give at least some idea if it is quiet or not .
20 But no matter how fluently you speak English you are likely to have at least some problems when you write it .
21 This means that the light , instead of being granted an unrestricted passage to the photocells , has to pass through a forest of connecting wires , pre-sumably suffering at least some attenuation and distortion ( actually probably not much but , still , it is the principle of the thing that would offend any tidy-minded engineer ! ) .
22 But I would suppose that the Home Office has at least some information as to the judges ' tariff , and probably a great deal .
23 But even if this were possible a substantial number of lone parents ( about 300,000 on current figures ) would continue to be reliant on the state for at least some period while caring for their children .
24 If at least some people and states obey some laws for other reasons , such as moral conviction or non-coerced self-interest , then it is possible that all persons and states might do so .
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