Example sentences of "at least [prep] [art] case " in BNC.

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1 Biological growth of itself will not increase the size of the congregation , at least in the case of white Protestant churches , for the simple reason that white Protestant families tend to have fewer children .
2 Some years later both Shinwell and Reuben Kelf-Cohen ( the civil servant who then headed the Electricity and Gas Division in the Ministry of Fuel and Power ) suggested that the Labour Government 's nationalisation plans had generally been ill-prepared , but in retrospect their complaints of the absence of nationalisation ‘ blue-prints ’ seem wide of the mark , at least in the case of electricity .
3 Garland ( 1985a , p. 129 ) has made a similar point : although both classical and positivist criminology incorporated a conception of the relationship between the individual and the state , he sees the positivist version as ‘ moving from a liberal mode to a more authoritarian , interventionist one ’ , at least in the case of the early , biological school .
4 At the same time and again harking back to Durkheim , at least in the case of tribal societies we usually know very little of their past through lack of documentary sources , so we can ignore this ‘ conjectural history ’ .
5 There is much evidence that , at least in the case of men , short cropped hair signifies the acceptance of discipline and compliance with authority , whereas long hair signals the exact opposite — defiance of the established order .
6 Not only does their health become more problematic , but their income drops — at least in the case of those without substantial private means .
7 Hillingdon local authority have adopted a code of practice for ‘ in-depth visits ’ which lays down , at least in the case of secondary schools , negotiations over what is to be investigated and the plan of the visit .
8 La Forest J. who delivered the leading judgment on behalf of the majority concluded , at p. 196 , that : ‘ the rule should be against recovery of ultra vires taxes , at least in the case of unconstitutional statutes ’ and went on , at p. 199 , to reject the proposition that payment under an ultra vires statute constituted compulsion .
9 These studies provide substantial evidence that , at least in the case of the keyboard concertos K449 , K488 , and K595 and the string quarter K458 , the process of composition was spread out over many months .
10 In Cuba , for example , ‘ figures of the Wars of Independence , like Marti and Maceo , or of the 1933 revolution [ against the dictator Machado ] … give the revolution legitimacy by linking it with the historic past and , at least in the case of the heroes of 1933 , they have been in a very real sense the inspiration of the present revolutionary leaders , to a far greater degree than Marx and Lenin' ( Lambert : 1977 , p. 237 ) .
11 Though volatiles represent only a tiny fraction of the masses of the terrestrial planets , they endow Venus , the Earth , and Mars with interesting phenomena such as atmospheres , oceans , polar caps and , at least in the case of the Earth , a biosphere .
12 As I have elaborated elsewhere , the early agricultural divine monarchies seem to recapitulate , albeit in purely cultural forms , the natural conditions of that primeval existence : for instance , an economy based on grains ( domesticated rather than wild ) , a social structure centred around one dominant , tyrannous male and his harem ( now a human state rather than a primate group ) , and — at least in the case of some ancient Egyptian dynasties — even the recruitment of apprentice heirs-apparent ( the institution known as coregency ) .
13 As a result of the definition of " regulated business " , business from a non-UK office is usually outside the COB Rules , at least in the case of non-private customers .
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