Example sentences of "at least [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 What Marx was trying to do in constructing the Asiatic system was to reconcile , on the one hand the reports of the strength of the village communities which characterized many of the accounts of Asian villages and which was manifested in their apparent ability to act organically , for example in the close co-operation and mutual reasonableness required in irrigated agriculture , and , on the other hand , a traditional view of the despotism of oriental rulers , a view which dominated European pictures of the Orient , at least since the time of Montesquieu .
2 The last mill these waters powered was Awre Corn Mill , an old site in use at least since the time of the Domesday Survey , having reputedly belonged to Edward the Confessor .
3 Having realised , I suspect , at least for the time being , that they are not going to get anywhere in their fight for equal prize money at Wimbledon or the French , the Women 's Tennis Association have come up with another proposal which I know has support in some areas but which I certainly hope will also bite the dust .
4 Alan says : ’ I was amazed at the advice I received because their Mitchell Philpott told me not to transfer at least for the time being .
5 The alternation of parties in power has — at least for the time being — stopped .
6 The election will take the heat off the constitutional issue , at least for the time being .
7 None the less , the Barclay offer had been instrumental in saving the statue for the nation at least for the time being and , soon after , the Minister for the Arts announced that an export licence had been refused .
8 ANYONE who may have been disturbed by a recent Monitor report on the threat of cancer lurking in normal cells ( New Scientist , 3 March , p 583 ) , can sleep easy again , at least for the time being .
9 Those who could produce evidence of ‘ character , associations and loyalty ’ were placed in category C and were left to their own devices , at least for the time being .
10 If it does , I hope and pray that they will stop there and leave you alone , at least for the time being .
11 It appears that London Zoo and its aquarium have been saved from the axe yet again — at least for the time being .
12 A new Archbishop of Canterbury was selected who took a public stance against clergy in gay and lesbian relationships , but who was persuaded to adopt a more flexible position , at least for the time being .
13 Embattled Norman Lamont will hang on to his job , at least for the time being .
14 Elizabeth 's sons could stay with their mother , at least for the time being .
15 The Cheltenham course was one he completed to the College 's satisfaction , and as he left as a qualified master his first thought was to return home to North London , at least for the time being .
16 An overseas individual subscriber not registered for VAT , who may previously have incurred VAT through the member state 's post office collection system , will now benefit from a VAT-free magazine , simply because the UK legislation specifically zero-rates those goods — at least for the time being !
17 Nay , she thought , I shall say nothing — at least for the time being …
18 Eventually it was agreed between Elizabeth Woodville and Anne 's mother that Anne would remain in London , at least for the time being — but that for safety 's sake , and lest her true identity be recognized , she should be sent secretly to the Abbey of the Minoresses which stood only a short distance from the Tower .
19 Unfortunately , before you are able to implement any , an emergency arises and you have to shelve them , at least for the time being ( this is a fairly typical feature of management life ) .
20 Jennifer 's father , Stefano resumed sole charge , at least for the time being , of Jennifer 's work on court , while a lady trainer , Laurie Schuett from Palm Beach Sports Institute in Florida , was brought in to help the youngster overcome the weight problems which seemed to be developing .
21 The Bradleys talked about whether or not they could afford to keep the services of Annie McCafferty , and they decided to do so , at least for the time being .
22 Although it is tempting to suggest that analogous neurons are involved in the orientation discrimination of bees , this temptation should be resisted — at least for the time being .
23 However , I think it 's something we 'll keep to ourselves , at least for the time being . "
24 After some wrangling , option one prevailed and Visual Effects lost Doctor Who — at least for the time being …
25 An Act of 1849 repealed the Navigation Laws , enabling foreign ships to import into British possessions in Asia , Africa and America and to carry the goods of any nation into Britain itself , though the masters and three-quarters of the crew of British vessels were to remain British and the coasting trade was to remain in British hands , at least for the time being .
26 These took the steam out of the demand for a national conciliation board and a standard wage , at least for the time being , and there were some advances in the establishment of local machinery .
27 She immediately saw the sense in these remarks and abandoned for ever ( or at least for the time being ) the view that the reluctance of the Church to ordain women revealed it as bigoted and unfair .
28 The issue of parental concern had been resolved , at least for the time being , and Rick and his department could proceed with their curriculum development without the spectre of parental complaint haunting them .
29 Prussia had established , at least for the time being , her position as one of the great European powers ; and the personal prestige of her ruler stood higher than that of any other European monarch .
30 I put my conversations with Lou and Brenda from my mind , at least for the time being , and had switched on the WP and was enjoying the little moans and buzzes of its warming up , when there was a mighty banging on the door and there stood Hugo .
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