Example sentences of "at both the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They looked at both the Redcliffe-Maud and Wheatley approaches and concluded that the principles of the latter ‘ were more appropriate to the circumstances of Northern Ireland ’ ( Macrory 1970:24 ) .
2 The problem is that China 's generation and transmission technology is some 10 to 20 years behind the West with significant power losses at both the generation and transmission stages .
3 Despite the widespread ageism which exists at both the individual and structural level , there remains widespread social ignorance and denial of its impact .
4 The Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment ( COMARE ) , which looked at both the Sellafield and Dounreay findings on behalf of the government , concluded that they supported the hypothesis that ‘ some feature of the nuclear plants … leads to an increased risk of leukaemia in young people living in the vicinity ’ .
5 She had since left the New York City Ballet , and was working as a counsellor for the blind at both the Lighthouse and the Jewish Guild .
6 It shows that the children of the higher socio-economic groups are more likely than their working-class counterparts to attend nursery schools , as well as independent schools , at both the primary and the secondary school stage .
7 Over the next eight months , the deadline to achieve ISO 9000 was extremely important as we worked to achieve a QA system at both the procedure and instruction levels .
8 If a Champagne house buys its requirements in the form of must ( as opposed to grapes ) , débourbage might well take place at both the presshouse and the winery .
9 HP CEO John Young told a meeting of analysts last week that HP had been looking at both the USL and OSF kernels , but had no plans in place to license USL technology .
10 This gives rise to the conventional neoclassical objection to all models of this sort , namely , that the concept of a target real wage rate is ad hoc , arbitrary and not grounded in the rational calculus of profit and utility maximization which should be the starting-point of all economic enquiry at both the micro and the macro levels .
11 In February 1990 more secret files were found at both the Defence and Justice Ministries .
12 In the USA , legislation at both the State and Federal level often similarly defines the parameters within which schools can consider the curriculum .
13 The government laid down extensive amendments at both the Committee and Third Reading stages of the Bill , such that one MP considered that there had been a ‘ complete rewriting of the whole Bill ’ and another that it ‘ has become virtually a Government Bill ’
14 This involves research into the factors influencing both plant and animal production at both the component and systems levels .
15 It contained his personal computer , which was linked to computers at both the Pentagon and the CIA headquarters in Langley .
16 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA and Eastman Kodak Co have joined forces to market a fully integrated document image management system : Kodak will supply its range of document scanners , and Olivetti will provide computer hardware plus document management software ; this comprises its own IBIsys , Integrated Business and Information System , which integrates applications at both the client and server level , enabling transparent communications via a Unix host — it provides object-oriented filing , electronic mail , diary and administration services , such as printing and word processing ; also included as part of the package , is Wimbledon , London-based Integrated Documatic Inc 's Imsoft document image processing software , and Costa Mesa , California-based Filenet Corp 's optical document store and retrieve and WorkFlo software ; Kodak is also offering Olivetti customers image capture bureau services ; the document image management system is available now , price dependent on configuration .
17 Stuart said ICL would be concentrating on SVR4.2 on Intel platforms , anticipating that its greatest impact would be for companies looking to implement true client/server installations , with SVR4.2 at both the client and server ends .
18 They sat on the balcony in the sun , depressed at both the break-in and the delay it would cause .
19 Nina had already commented favourably on it , throwing pointed looks at both the Health and Beauty desk and the disordered alcove from which Fashion operated .
20 Angela is on the furniture-vetting committee of almost every fair they take part in , and has also won awards for the Best Dressed Stand at both the June and October Olympia fairs .
21 Thus with good records management at both the creation and archive ends the scientific population , the legal department , the regulatory authorities AND the historian should have an improved information source .
22 The present project aims to speed up the process at both the collection and analysis stages , by the development of software which will operate with speed , simplicity and flexibility , while the use of a portable computer will make it possible to enter material direct on to disc .
23 But officials at both the DES and the HSE want to turn it into a specialist advisory group to the HSE .
24 As the distance is too far by road , it is impossible to be at both the start and the finish of the race unless you are actually taking part .
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