Example sentences of "at the present time and " in BNC.

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1 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
2 Over a hundred MPs in the House of Commons hold government posts at the present time and even the humblest of them — the parliamentary private secretaries — are almost always forced to resign if they vote against the government or even abstain .
3 1.6 This allowance is based upon staff who are at the top of the grade at the present time and translates into the following :
4 The message which Balfour sent was that , ‘ He is also of the opinion that it will be a serious danger if the Socialist Party is allowed to assume office at the present time and he thinks every means ought to be taken to avert the Parliamentary defeat which would bring them into office in your place .
5 At the present time and in er the public fund and the health committee we did decide to have a review after so I think that is actually in control I do n't think we should mess about with it any more at this point .
6 I think the government should slow down on all its activities at the present time and concentrate on getting the economy right , and everything else put on the back burner .
7 They 're er they live in at the present time and er his name 's Paul and he 's the main Skoda dealer in Nottingham .
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