Example sentences of "at [art] [adj -est] [adj] moment " in BNC.

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1 As it happens , he would n't be arriving at the best possible moment : William Charles , 14 years his brother 's senior , was finding his own fame and fortune rather on the wane just at that time — he did n't need those supercilious letters from William Jowett in Jamaica to remind him of that .
2 But despite all this , Haig never deviated from his original plan to renew the offensive at the earliest favourable moment .
3 If the Government was serious about regaining the initiative it has so wretchedly lost , the Prime Minister would sanction the Chancellor to announce this morning that Britain is seeking to join the ERM at the earliest practical moment .
4 ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied , as was the case here …
5 In Clarke v. Clarke [ 1990 ] 2 F.L.R. 115 , 119 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. said : ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied [ the committal order ] can not stand . ’
6 These new initiatives take time , energy and effort — in a period when all three are in short supply — but if heads are to manage LMS successfully , correct relationships based on openness , honesty and mutual respect must be established at the earliest possible moment .
7 But the borrower must cooperate with the lender , particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment .
8 Dudley Clarke was also instructed to mount a raid across the Channel ‘ at the earliest possible moment ’ .
9 Quite clearly it was for me to initiate action to ensure that all aircraft of that type were checked for similar fractures at the earliest possible moment , but the responsibility for ordering such an inspection lies with the airworthiness authorities of the States in which the aircraft were registered and not with the accident investigation authorities .
10 On such occasions the airline needs to know at the earliest possible moment whether there is something inherently wrong with its equipment , procedures or training , and therefore the official investigators should keep the airline fully informed of the factual material it establishes as the investigation proceeds .
11 The first draft of a document prepared by Roosevelt 's aide , Harry Hopkins , referred to Korean independence being secured ‘ at the earliest possible moment ’ .
12 I do not know what purpose the meeting served in persuading Wapping of the merits of our plan , but it did enable me for the first and only time to see the terrain on which we were working and reinforced my enthusiasm to kill the committee at the earliest possible moment .
13 Firstlight at the earliest possible moment . ’
14 Can we have a Government statement at the earliest possible moment ?
15 The modern veterinary surgeon does not see nearly as many cases of distemper as we used to , simply because most people immunize their puppies at the earliest possible moment .
16 But apart from that he , he was a , he was er humorous too by nature and er he was , he was quite free in as much as if you made an approach to him , and he understood that you were n't there just for fun , he would set up a meeting and discuss it with you , er and go into details and at the same time , give you an answer at the earliest possible moment .
17 We hope that the European Court will make its ruling at the earliest possible moment so that the House of Lords can give a judgment .
18 The Government have introduced the Bill at the earliest possible moment in the Session , and we shall ensure that secondary legislation is made as quickly as possible .
19 The British chiefs were anxious for American aid at the earliest possible moment in the event of war with the USSR .
20 The judge said : ‘ I regard it as my duty at the earliest possible moment to order the discharge from prison of Lord Blandford .
21 While the ‘ frustration ’ felt by the commissioner , Sadako Ogata , at the continued blocking of the relief convoys was understandable , he said , ‘ we urge Mrs Ogata to order the resumption of humanitarian aid deliveries at the earliest possible moment . ’
22 He cursed himself inwardly for this sudden indisposition , which had come at the worst possible moment .
23 She said she was sure she had rung at the worst possible moment — she always rang important people at the worst possible moment .
24 She said she was sure she had rung at the worst possible moment — she always rang important people at the worst possible moment .
25 If a computer program has been obtained for use in a commercial environment , whether it be a word processing package , accounts system or spreadsheet , the chances are that the original will fail at the worst possible moment .
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