Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] general [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first definite report of women taking the side of the men comes in early August , when it was announced at the quarterly general meeting of the Edinburgh Typographical Society that in the office of Neill & Co , 51 " female compositors had intimated their intention of tendering notices on Friday 5 August " alongside the men .
2 For this reason , the Colonel pointed out , he could not ‘ consistent with my wounded feelings support his Lordship 's friend at the late General Election … ’
3 The price of books of academic criticism indicates that they are not aimed at the educated general reader ( once they cost about the same as a bottle of whisky ; now they cost three to four times as much ) .
4 The proceeds from the sale of this were used to purchase medals and a trophy for the winners and in addition , a surplus of £83.00 was donated to the Edinburgh Breast Care Unit at the Western General Hospital .
5 The interview on 8th at the Western General Hospital is partly fund-raising and John is advising me very strongly not to take it , and I am sure he is right .
6 NANCY Hamlyn Rae McArthur , widow of Lord Hoy of Leith , died at the Western General Hospital , Edinburgh , yesterday after a short illness .
7 Mr MacInnes , who was married and lived in Bo'ness , was a consultant in clinical neuro- physiology at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh .
8 16,315,227 Income Shares in Waterford Wedgwood U.K. plc were issued during 1992 to form Stock Units under the procedures enacted to simplify trading in the Group 's securities as approved at the Extraordinary General Meetings of the Company and Waterford Wedgwood U.K. plc both held on 28 March 1990 .
9 The revised proposal was debated at the Extraordinary General Meeting on May 20th , 1983 , with a separate discussion on the question of the Committee constitution also taking place ; this new proposal was a virtual mirror image of the 1982 amendment which had been disregarded by the President at the Extraordinary General Meeting of that year !
10 The revised proposal was debated at the Extraordinary General Meeting on May 20th , 1983 , with a separate discussion on the question of the Committee constitution also taking place ; this new proposal was a virtual mirror image of the 1982 amendment which had been disregarded by the President at the Extraordinary General Meeting of that year !
11 Erm , I work in a project at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow , and one of the things , there 's young who experiment with drugs whether we like it or not , and I think it depends what drug i is available at that time , so we could sit here and go through the different periods of time .
12 By the early 1950s , the Essex Federation had become one of the strongest in the District , in terms of the enthusiasm and sense of purpose of its Executive Committee , composed of members elected from constituent branches at the annual general meetings .
13 Erm the main difference between a non-executive director and a director basically is that the directors are added to by the shareholders and are re-elected at the annual general meetings .
14 For now they sit like shareholders at the annual general meeting of a company whose profits have fallen on last year 's .
15 The public flogging anticipated at the annual general meeting of the City watchdog , Fimbra , may well fail to materialise .
16 At the annual general meeting of the company yesterday , Mr Ian Mackeson-Sandbach , a trustee and executive of the estate of the late Sir Basil de Ferranti , called on the board to publish the investigation findings of accountants Coopers & Lybrand into the frauds at ISC Technologies , part of Ferranti 's US subsidiary .
17 At the annual general meeting ( AGM ) they vote on the annual report and on the appointment of all directors .
18 At the Annual General Meeting of the Lord Lieutenants ' Association — surely Britain 's most exclusive trade union — there is much discussion of such knotty questions as whether the pushy chairman of the local district council has , as he insists he has , the right to be presented to the Queen before the laid-back leader of the county council .
19 At the annual general meeting in London on 16 July 1992 vacancies on the Council and some of its boards are due to be filled in accordance with the electoral procedures specified in the By-laws and summarised in the notice .
20 At the Annual General Meeting with some 20 members present , Mr. Valentine Fleming ( father to writers Peter and Ian ) was elected as the Club 's first President .
21 Perhaps it is a coincidence but at the Annual General Meeting in November he was elected Captain .
22 In November 1914 at the Annual General Meeting , it became clear the Club had to abort some costly schemes and , although not blaming the war , it must have been the cause .
23 ( This Management team of four ( bondholders ) survived until November 1921 when at the Annual General Meeting that year the President , Lord Rathcreedan , announced that ‘ The provision for Club members on the Committee had been overlooked ’ and two nominations were called for ) .
24 At the Annual General Meeting the accounts were not passed , and an investigating Committee was formed to examine them .
25 Article 96 of the Company 's Articles of Association requires Mr Blacker , Mr Brown and Mr Walker to retire at the Annual General Meeting since they were appointed by the Board after the 1989 Annual General Meeting .
26 At the Annual General Meeting Mr Donovan , Mr Kalms and Baroness Platt of Writtle will retire by rotation and Resolutions 5 , 6 and 7 propose their re-appointment as Directors .
27 The first grant of options will be made following the approval of the Scheme at the Annual General Meeting and , thereafter , within the period of 42 days after the announcement of the Company 's results for any period .
28 AT THE annual general meeting of Liphook Civil Service Retirement Fellowship , Dorothy Vaughan stepped down from the chair .
29 Concern over the finances of the festival was voiced by treasurer of the Dolmetsch Foundation at the annual general meeting on Saturday .
30 ALTON Townswomen 's Guild handed over charity cheques at the annual general meeting .
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