Example sentences of "he pointed out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He pointed out to the magistrates that the people of the parish had previously been law-abiding , that riotous demonstrations and the destruction of property were rare , and even now were believed by many of the farmers and traders ( and the poor themselves ) to have been the work of gypsies .
2 It would be a good idea , he pointed out to the noble lord , to buy a large freehold estate and divide it into twelve , creating twelve new freeholders who would be entitled to a vote each because of the property qualification ; he hastened to add that he would personally make sure that only suitable Tory adherents were thus enfranchised .
3 Sol Wagner , an American sexologist , lecturing in Britain in 1977 , referred to the British as " obsessed " with sex ; and to some extent this is true , due as he pointed out to the double-thinking of those of us who retain inhibitions and hang-ups born of earlier years and the mixture of fascination and revulsion connected with sex which lies so deep in many of us .
4 Two miles further on , he pointed out of the window again at a field of cows , saying something in his unintelligible language .
5 We 'll need to conserve heat , and the best way to do that is to share the sleeping-bag , ’ he pointed out with the sort of logic that was unbeatable .
6 And there , ’ he pointed out past the Prince , ‘ the sun . ’
7 He pointed out into the estuary .
8 But , as he pointed out in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism ( 1933 ) with reference to abstract philosophizing , his mind was a ‘ heavy ’ one .
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