Example sentences of "he ca not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He ca n't just disappear . ’
2 Well no it ca n't Angela ask him somebody ask him , he ca n't just arrive and start doing things .
3 Because Neil plays very hard he produces a lot of power through the pickups , and he has recently realised that he ca n't just put any pickup with any EQ system , otherwise the signal from the bass simply overloads things …
4 And the fact he ca n't just accept things , he has to question things .
5 Of course he ca n't just come out with it .
6 He ca n't even sort himself out . ’
7 He ca n't even hunt , the poor bastard … ’
8 He says he ca n't even play with his grandchildren because he 's in so much pain .
9 NEW council housing supremo Arnold Phillips admitted yesterday that the market is so depressed he ca n't even find a home for himself .
10 He writes in that same letter ‘ I ca n't hate anything ’ , and he admits he ca n't even own to ‘ despair ’ .
11 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
12 I 'd just been talking to the guard , twelve hour shifts , sixty hours a week and he ca n't even have any time off for tea breaks or meal breaks .
13 Must be ill must n't he , if he ca n't even have visitors ?
14 Look at him , he ca n't even pronounce it .
15 Well , that 's Danny for you ; he ca n't even faint without saying goodbye in C.B.
16 One terrific running joke through the film involves Munny , who is so rusty in the saddle he ca n't even mount up any more .
17 He ca n't even cross the road by himself .
18 And he ca n't even ride a bike …
19 You know I mean if he ca n't even remember
20 he ca n't honestly spare time to go down there
21 And we 've we 've proven that er some people have said , Oh well he wo n't come on he ca n't either afford it or he does n't want to .
22 He ca n't only have been Donald the Great Doctor .
23 He did n't want a job that 's what he had said he wanted to have time out he did n't want a job he could get a job when he wanted to , he ca n't now turn round and blame it on
24 Obviously he ca n't quite speak in complete sentences yet , and his pronunciation is a bit poor sometimes , but he 's got a good grasp of the facts .
25 A sore spot is what I 've hit , I muse , as he begins a defence he ca n't quite decide should be serious or silly .
26 It 's made of red plastic , and there 's something familiar about it which he ca n't quite identify ; something about the feel of its grained texture , and of the shiny red popper button on the flap …
27 Or , finally , knowing you always loved him and enjoying the sense of power this gave him , he ca n't quite believe that he does n't count any more .
28 And he ca n't erm he ca n't quite live with that .
29 He 's a good man who 's done much for our people , but he ca n't quite let go of the life he and our forefathers have always known .
30 Fat women and bald-headed men standing in the doorways of tiny shops make jokes to him which he ca n't quite understand , and shout ribaldries to each other about him clapping him on the shoulder to indicate they 're not serious , and cutting slices of cheese and sausage for him to try .
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