Example sentences of "he speak [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to dial a number and , within seconds , to he speaking to a business acquaintance or friend in Saudi Arabia , the USA or Australia , to name just three of the many countries it is possible to dial direct .
2 He speaks as a Conservative representing a coal mining area and he truly speaks up for the industry .
3 As an example , he speaks about the reproduction of the relations of production — itself a precondition of the survival of the production process .
4 There was an interesting article in The Sunday Telegraph on 1 December by Mr. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard , in which he speaks about the devastation in Vukovar and what has been happening in Croatia .
5 The inference in his letter is that he speaks for the Council of the National Union of which he is chairman .
6 Every time he speaks to a colleague , a team-member or a customer , he is seizing an investment opportunity .
7 He speaks of a kind of intellectual pessimism , a ‘ despair of knowing anything ’ , into which it is possible to fall after repeated failures in the search for knowledge .
8 This piece of advice might suggest that his grasp of the ‘ new psychology ’ was still at the rudimentary stage , since he speaks of a neurosis as if it were something avoidable .
9 He speaks of a battle against the Germans .
10 Similarly , in 1469 he speaks of the rising against Edward IV as a whirlwind coming down from the North ( 14 , pp.531 , 542 ) .
11 The question that arises here is whether Gandhi is referring to an ‘ essence ’ or ‘ primordial element ’ when he speaks of the heart of one religion being identical with the heart of another religion .
12 In the realm of philosophy , Lyotard ( 1984 ) echoes a similar view when he speaks of the jubilation , delight and intensification of a sense of being , that arises out of conceiving new categories .
13 He speaks of the trouble he has in getting paid , his fear of old age and its isolation and poverty when he can no longer work ; and he describes the privations and pains of his working conditions .
14 It is a borderland concept between the mental and the physical , and Freud wants to express this when he speaks of an instinct arising as an impulse within the organism , not as a stimulus from without .
15 He speaks like a preacher .
16 He speaks in a rush .
17 He speaks in the life situation as well as through the sacred page .
18 ‘ Since he speaks in the name of the King 's Grace , my lord , he can command .
19 When he speaks , as he often does , on , say , the archaeology of Early Christian Ireland , he speaks from a fund of experience as well as knowledge .
20 If he spoke to a girl a couple of times he would tend to look on her as a girlfriend .
21 He spoke to a cook and used to be given second helpings .
22 Which is why he spoke to a geezer he knows down Battersea , and the geezer down Battersea done him some nice concrete and rolled an acre of Astroturf on top .
23 He spoke to a contact in diamond trading .
24 On the steps of the City Hall he spoke to a crowd of 50,000 who had waited for hours for his appearance .
25 He spoke to a motor cycle messenger who had once been a roadie for King Crimson .
26 ‘ Get down , ’ he spoke to the man in French .
27 He spoke to the bridle .
28 Sometimes he spoke to the girl lovingly of Eugenia , his mother .
29 He spoke to the girl in English .
30 He spoke to the officer on desk duty who said that a complaint against Russell had been made at another station .
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