Example sentences of "he have held [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For the first 11 of those paddling years he never heard of the BCU and it was only through his activities with the Air Training Corps and their involvement with the Devizes to Westminster Race that he got drawn into the position of race Publicity Officer which he has held since the late 70s .
2 Not only is the seat he has held for the past 15 years , in the Yvelines to the west of Paris , now under serious threat , but so too is the whole political future and his dream of a new social democratic movement .
3 William was employed in the Maintenance Department on General Service Duties , a position he had held for the past two years .
4 Mihnea Marmeliuc , who returned as Minister of Labour and Social Security ( a post he had held in the NSF provisional government in January-June 1990 ) , immediately after his nomination was disowned by his National Liberal Party ( the second largest opposition party in parliament after the Hungarian Democratic Union ) ; the NLP had called a week before the reshuffle for the creation of an all-party coalition government .
5 sort this out sensibly , the police overreact , they arrest him at midnight in the clothes he stands up in , they take him down to the police station , he 's held in the police station for about thirty six hours or so , something like that , er instead of being brought before the court straight away and released on bail straight away , they , they keep him in custody where he 's never been before , er and Madam he 's then released on bail but court imposes silly conditions on him , conditions that he should n't go back to his home address , he ca n't go and see his girlfriend , he ca n't go and see his children , er , and Madam it seems to be an abuse of the process really of the court to behave in this way .
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