Example sentences of "he [vb past] been looking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been looking for that for ages .
2 And he would ask a few questions , say he 'd been looking for a few hours .
3 The Raubvogel had just entered the short tunnel that led out of the cavern , when Katze finally found what he 'd been looking for .
4 So he 'd been looking for her .
5 At the official press conference today , Brian Horton said he 'd been looking at the young twenty-one year old for quite a while .
6 In June , Roland found what he had been looking for .
7 He had been looking for a place to live .
8 The books and papers were wrapped in a silk cloth and , smiling , Craig knew he had found what he had been looking for .
9 He saw the hideous face of the huge thrashing thing before him , superimposed on that blank mask , and knew that it was the face he had been looking for since the death of his wife and son .
10 He had been looking for the Face of Death .
11 He was inclined to believe he had been looking for an excuse to ring her , which was foolish because he did not need an excuse .
12 He had been looking for the omen Heather might have nerved herself to disregard .
13 The man claimed he had been looking for his girlfriend when challenged by staff members .
14 After a one-minute search , he noticed the National Geographic magazine which he had been looking at with the teacher earlier in the day .
15 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
16 He turned sharply from the french window and the view he had been looking at so intently .
17 And he passed her the list he had been looking at when she entered .
18 It was a house about two along from the one he had been looking at previously .
19 ‘ No it 's not ’ , said a Scots Nationalist friend one day — very rude to me — ‘ it 's not cosmopolitan , it 's colonial ’ , and he had been looking at me and thinking ‘ here 's one of those damned Englishmen sponging on the Scots , making a good thing out of them ’ .
20 For it had been on a cold Sunday evening in the spring , after he had been looking over the house with the idea of buying it , that he had happened out of curiosity to ‘ pop in ’ , as fashionable Anglo-Catholics said , to Solemn Evensong and Benediction at St Basil 's at the end of the road .
21 The first defendant had known the deceased for some seven years and said in evidence that for the 3 or 3½ years before the deceased 's death he had been looking after the deceased .
22 But Jones told the court he had been looking after the alcohol at the party and collecting money from people who wanted to take some of the drink .
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