Example sentences of "he [vb past] from the room " in BNC.

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1 He crept from the room to the shadowed corridor , tip-toed past the attic door to the little corner where the banister curved into the wall .
2 Leaving his colleague to help the doctor , he walked from the room and carefully made his way down the stairs .
3 He walked from the room and Kate felt an urge to jump on his back and tear his hair out .
4 As he walked from the room she hugged herself .
5 His face white with passion , Sikes listened to the end , then , swearing furiously , he rushed from the room and down the stairs .
6 She stared after him mutinously as he went from the room , willing him to bump his head as he went through the door , but to her disappointment Dr Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head with the grace and dexterity of long practice .
7 He disappeared from the room and Endill , too dazed to do anything else , curled up in the shreds of paper .
8 He strode from the room , leaving Rebecque thin-lipped and silent .
9 Then he strode from the room , passing her chair without even glancing at her , and slamming the door with such force that the chandelier rattled above the table .
10 Then they watched him pull himself up from the support of the couch and , keeping his eyes on Emma until he had passed her , he strode from the room .
11 Then , leaving her unaccountably blushing again , he strode from the room , pulling the door shut behind him .
12 He slipped from the room and purchased a beef sandwich from the barman upstairs .
13 He edged from the room as swiftly as the impeding furniture would let him , through the door which led straight onto the staircase to the upper storey .
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