Example sentences of "he [vb past] to the window " in BNC.

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1 He moved to the window , walking with a pronounced limp on his left leg , the result of a shrapnel wound in the last days of the Korean War .
2 Marc swivelled when he came to the window , his black shape outlined against the dying embers of the sun and his face in shadow .
3 Then , as she watched , a light came on in one of the upper rooms , and she shifted uneasily as she recognised Luke as he came to the window and looked out .
4 He gestured to the window and Claudia saw that a display of rings was next to the ornaments she admired .
5 Pulling himself wearily to his feet , he walked to the window , drew aside the curtain and gazed out at the blackness .
6 He walked to the window and stared out for some moments .
7 He walked to the window and gazed down through the net curtains .
8 The old grandma who was holding the girl 's hand looked across at him as he walked to the window to stare down into the street to watch for Eddie .
9 Rising to his feet , he walked to the window and stood looking out .
10 He returned to the window table and poured himself the dregs of the sherry .
11 He rushed to the window .
12 He crossed to the window .
13 He crossed to the window , and pulled the sheet back from the girl 's body .
14 He crossed to the window .
15 He crossed to the window table .
16 He crossed to the window to set wide the shutter on the last night of May , and heave the smokiness of his long closeted hours out of him in great , assuaging breaths .
17 She had watched him carefully , almost lovingly , as he went to the window .
18 He went to the window , where the daylight was already fading , and looked out between the vertical louvres of the blind .
19 Unfortunately for him , the lady 's husband had also spotted his illicit signalling from the bedroom and grabbing his machine-gun he went to the window and shot the hang-glider pilot and all out of the sky in a hail of bullets .
20 The room would be like Aladdin 's cave to such a girl as Joanna — fine clothes , the glint of plate , the stack of linen , the magnificent dressing-case , the several pairs of boots , the hats , the books , fobs , silks , glow of guineas on the writing table ; he went to the window and did not turn around when she entered .
21 He went to the window , made sure her car was n't coming , or turning into the communal garage .
22 He went to the window and drew back the curtain .
23 He went to the window and stood there wiping his glasses : they could all hear , now , the distant thwack and flump of spade-work .
24 He went to the window and looked down into the street .
25 Schellenberg frequently did , but when he went to the window and saw the powdering of snow in the streets he laughed .
26 He went to the window and pushed open the shutters .
27 A swirl of orange as he lurched to the window .
28 It was dawn and he pointed to the window .
29 Then he pointed to the window on the other side of the carriage .
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