Example sentences of "he [vb past] across the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was almost a running dive he made across the gallery and to his bedroom , but he did it on tip-toe .
2 Doone pondered , made up his mind , went out to his car and returned carrying a five-foot plank which he laid across the kitchen table .
3 He limped across the pavement and clambered into his car .
4 He swooped across the market square in Antioch , while the crowd fell back appalled , and opening his huge mouth , like a salmon to a fly , snapped Margaret up .
5 The idea for the first excursion had flashed through his brain as he tramped across the middle of England from Market Harborough to Leicester on his way to attend a temperance meeting .
6 He hopped across the ditch to the farther bank and looked round him again .
7 ‘ Either he lost it as he crept across the moat to kill Sir Ralph or else someone put it there .
8 He leered across the table .
9 He loped across the bar , swinging his hips to show off his twin Colts , and got his polished pseudoleather boot up on the bar .
10 He swam across the lake towards the silted-up island in the middle where a pair of swans nested .
11 For example , he swam across the Firth of Clyde on four occasions , and across the Firth of Forth on one occasion — perhaps his greatest and most dangerous feat was to swim across part of the often stormy Pentland Firth at the top of Scotland from John O'Groats to the island of Stroma .
12 Ronni had followed Guido from the room , running to keep pace with him as he headed across the hall .
13 Despite his protestation , he moved across the studio to inspect the photograph closely .
14 He moved across the room and out of the door without a glance at Gwen .
15 He moved across the pavement towards the building , glancing at his wrist as he did so .
16 He bounded across the moor , guided by Fergie 's howls , and eventually discovered the spot .
17 He peered across the tavern , watching a group of men busy baiting a relic-seller who claimed he had Aaron 's beard in a sack and was prepared to sell it to them for a few coins .
18 The Headmaster still had on his gown and he flapped in the wind like a bat as he charged across the grass .
19 When the doors opened he charged across the foyer , scattering people , and disappeared into Fleet Street .
20 He conjured before their minds a poetic word-picture of St Aidan coming from Iona in Scotland and settling there with his band of monks to pray and to spread Christianity among the heathen English ; and spoke of St Cuthbert to whom on that spot the people went to seek help and comfort and guidance , until he fled across the sands and sea to be alone with God on his island — so carry the lesson back , to a county black with people and with coal , carry back the need for quiet , and separation from whirl , and silence ; and so heaven will be nearer .
21 But he fled across the fields .
22 His remarks would recur as he shouted across the streets to the snobbish people of Chichester .
23 Yeah yeah a good Da Dave manages Doncaster now he 's an ex manager of Walsall as well We lived at the Brown Lion at the time and er , I , I was out the front on the Saturday evening and I er manager 's just been to fetch his Sunday joint from the local butchers and he shouted across the road to his pal how have they got on , cos there was no radio in those days , and er he says they 've won two nil and the man dropped his meat in front of him and dribbled it all the way down the road , it was such excitement it was of course all people over the moon .
24 He strolled across the foyer to deposit her room key and spoke to the middle-aged receptionist behind the desk , who straightened respectfully .
25 He veered across the road and went into the opposite lane where he collided with a transit van . ’
26 By day for twelve hours he sailed across the sky with gods in his boat , piloted by his vizier Thoth , the moon , and accompanies by his daughter , Maat , the symbol of his world order .
27 The man tipped his hat to Jane and then he darted across the road , heading into St Stephen 's Green , leaving Patrick and Jane standing before the hotel .
28 Subsequently , he came across the look on various faces — a mother lifting a baby from a pram , a child running towards its father , a woman sitting beside a hospital bed , lovers by the dozen .
29 He came across the clearing followed by his retinue .
30 Halfway along the line he came across the Ngo brothers , and his eye fell on Hoc .
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