Example sentences of "on the path to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Turn left again then go right on the path to Bleakdown .
2 What good news it is that SNH have given a £7,000 grant for repair work on the path to Blaven , one of the most spectacular mountains in the Skye Cuillin .
3 Huaiwiri got its girls on the path to education , but in Kufra no cadre expropriated a landlord or socialized a business .
4 It dwarfed , for instance , the monument on the river bank to the Renaissance explorers and circumnavigators who 'd set the tiny country on the path to greatness .
5 He wanted her to agree to walk out with him : to accept his first and formal step on the path to marriage .
6 I took the train to Fontainbleau , and to Versailles , and saw there the famous Hall of Mirrors where the notorious Treaty was signed which set Germany on the path to Hitler 's domination and the Second World War .
7 So the wear and tear on the path to Nottingham looks set to continue …
8 Goals in the first five minutes by Dennis Greene and Keith Scott set the Buckinghamshire side on the path to victory , but they had to wait until the 68th minute before Simon Stapleton settled the issue .
9 But the common story , so far as we can tell , was of a prospering contado helping a few of the citizens to be successful merchants , carrying local market goods and some from longer distances ; and if Francis ' father had not been a successful merchant trading into France , the saint would not have borne the name he did , nor suffered the intense reaction to his father 's worldly values which helped to inspire him on the path to poverty and heaven .
10 ‘ Tax changes are going to have to be carefully considered if we are to continue on the path to recovery . ’
11 It must be Mr Kinnock 's task this week to capture this new agenda for Labour and set the party on the path to power .
12 Bashful Barry believes it was his failure with girls as a schoolboy that set him on the path to fame as a film buff .
13 EFTA does not want to be a ‘ kindergarten ’ for East European countries embarking on the path to market economies , but the looser 23-nation Council of Europe — to which Hungary has already sought entry — might be asked to play this role once democratic elections are held in individual east European countries .
14 Below it stood the childhood doll 's house she had intended to renovate for posterity and the guitar whose broken strings had halted her on the path to world fame as a singer of gypsy ballads , in a costume of scarlet and yellow sewn with little mirrors .
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